
Ewes are now 'irrelevant' to the NDC course, they've decided to sack all Ewes from the party — Kofi Akpaloo

By Richard Obeng Bediako || Contributor
NDC Ewes are now 'irrelevant' to the NDC course, they've decided to sack all Ewes from the party —  Kofi Akpaloo

The founder and leader of the Liberal Party of Ghana (LPG), Kofi Akpaloo, has said the people of the Volta Region have now realised the deceit and propaganda that the National Democratic Congress (NDC) is a bonafide property of the region.

He stressed that such a notion and belief is not only erroneous but a dangerous lie being pushed down the throats of Voltarians by ethnic bigots parading as politicians.

Kofi Akpaloo said such politicians who are mostly NDC, use this brainwashing tactics to win votes and enrich themselves at the expense of the entire region.

“If indeed it was a Ewe party why were all the Ewes or Voltarians (Anita Desoso, Koku Anyidoho, Dan Abodakpi, Koku Anyidoho, Fred Agbanyo, etc) who contested for national executive positions in the NDC not voted for? However, after failing to elect Voltarians into the executives, the NDC turns round to tell the people in the Volta Region that the party is a Ewe party,’’ Kofi Akpaloo exclusively told Nana Agyen Berimah on ‘Pae Mu Ka’ on Accra-based Kingdom FM 107.7

He continued, “Look at how Koku Anyidoho was sacked from NDC, it was very sad they have decided to sack all the Ewes from the party."

Mr Akpaloo said instead of focusing on how much the NDC has developed its “so called world bank,” its trump card in the region as far as campaigning is concerned has always been about ethnic affiliation and manipulations.
