Sat, 14 Aug 2021 NDC

Youth rallies support for Ibrahim Tanko as NDC's North-East Regional Chair

By Abdul Karam Nantomah
Youth rallies support for Ibrahim Tanko as NDC's North-East Regional Chair

Hon. Alhaji Abdul-Rauf Tanko Ibrahim, a former Member of Parliament (MP) for Yagaba-Kubori constituency is tipped to be the North-East Regional Chairman of the main opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC).

The party’s loyalists in the Region, particularly the youth and women are resting on his neck to acknowledge their endorsement, reasoning that he is better placed in the political spectrum.

They are pretty much convinced that Alhaji Ibrahim Tanko is committed to executing the NDC’s agenda 2024 to win the next general elections.

According to them, there is every reason for the NDC to win more Parliamentary seats, particularly in the Vice President, Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia’s home region.


Hon. Alhaji Abdul-Rauf Tanko Ibrahim is a member of the NDC, who in 2004 contested and won the Parliamentary election in the Yagaba-Kubori constituency.

He retained the seat in 2008 but lost it in 2012. For the love of his constituents and to accomplish his unfinished agenda, he contested the 2016 polls and won.

Under his watch as Hajj Board Chair, there was remarkable improvement in the organization of Hajj activities in Ghana.
