Tue, 29 Jun 2021 Headlines

Kaaka’s murder: Two shot dead, 4 injured as angry youth clash with police [Photos]

By Reporter
Kaaka’s murder: Two shot dead, 4 injured as angry youth clash with police [Photos]

Two persons have been reported dead while four in critical condition in a clash between Police and protesters at Ejura Sekyeredumase in the Ashanti region Tuesday afternoon.

The two Murtala Muhammad and Abdul Nasir were shot in the chest.

One died instantly and the other died 10minutes after he was resuscitated.

The other four injured persons are receiving treatment at the Ejura Government Hospital.

The clash occurred when some residents pelted stones at the security personnel who were deployed around the burial grounds of the late social activist, Ibrahim Muhammed.

The youth were demonstrating over the murder of #FixTheCountry activist, Ibrahim Mohammed aka "Kaaka".

The aggrieved youth of Ejura on Monday, 28 June 2021 wore red armed bands and demonstrated over the murder of "Kaaka".

They burnt car tyres and damaged a police vehicle when they besieged the police station to demand justice.

The police have since arrested two suspects including Ibrahim Isaka aka "Anyass" and Fuseini Alhassan for Kaaka’s murder.

Ibrahim Muhammed was ambushed in front of his house when he was returning home on his motorbike at about 1:30 am on Sunday, 27th June 2021.

He was subsequently rushed to the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital in Kumasi where he was put on oxygen until he passed Monday afternoon.

Ibrahim Muhammed was noted to be a known voice on both local and national issues using his Facebook page.
