Wed, 26 May 2021 Social News

‘There has never been a fight against corruption in Ghana’ – Local Governance expert

By Asante-Yeboah Benedict
‘There has never been a fight against corruption in Ghana’ – Local Governance expert

Local governance Expert Mr Issaka Amon Kotei has said successive Ghanaian governments have not done enough to fight corruption in the country.

He said corruption had been a bane of the country’s development for years, with the poor and vulnerable being the victims, and yet governments were not doing enough to change the trend.

Mr. Amon Kotei noted that vetting of our Ministers since the era of President Kufour to the current dispensation has always been fraught with corruption and suspicions.

Speaking on OTECFM’s NYANSAPO morning show in Kumasi on Wednesday, May 26, 2020, he indicated that the average Ghanaian politician was extremely preoccupied with the mindset to amass wealth for themselves and their families.

“I entreat Ghanaians to desist from having false hopes that successive governments including the current Nana Akuffo-Addo led administration is endeared towards the fight against corruption in the country.

“As a responsible opposition with a duty to keep government on its toes, the NDC is embarking on a corruption tracker series to track the status of the countless corruption scandals that Ghanaians have witnessed under the NPP government,” he told the programme’s host, Captain Koda.

According to the Local governance expert, he is worried about the fact that resources that should have gone into developmental projects to uplift the poor were allegedly channelled into the pockets of individuals.

Mr. Amon Kotei was of the view that, a lot of rhetorics about fighting the canker by Ghanaian leaders over the years and the same cannot be said about the current fight in terms of substantial evidence.

Touching on Mr. Martin Amidu’s latest epistle on President Akuffo-Addo using Minority’s Double Salary Scandal as a bargaining mechanism, Mr. Issaka Amon Kotei maintained that the writings were clear on the walls.

He added that the manner in which the President’s appointees were approved en bloc after the vetting by the minority caucus indeed raises grave concern amongst the public.

He further accused the minority on the vetting committee of being self-seeking who he claims were just bent on approving the nominees no matter their level of competence.

"The minority wanted to approve the nominees especially Hon. Hawa Koomson who would mess up her ministry looking at her previous records so that it would give them the course to criticize the government in future. For instance, they were in a hurry to approve Hon. Ken Ofori Atta who was an expert in borrowing so that in the end they would accuse the government of over-borrowing. So you could see the Minority has their own agenda going into this whole vetting process.”

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