Fri, 21 May 2021 Headlines

Asokore Akyeampemhene urges traditional leaders to support gov't in galamsey fight

  Fri, 21 May 2021
Asokore Akyeampemhene urges traditional leaders to support gov't in galamsey fight

The Akyeampemhene of Koforidua-Asokore in the New Juaben Municipality, Nana Adomaa Kyirekuaa I has adminished traditional leaders in the rural areas to desist from all activities of illegal mining and support the government in the fight against 'galamsey'.

Speaking to the media in respect to the fight against illegal mining in the country, Nana Adomaa has said that, "it's a shame to know that some traditional leaders at rural areas who are supposed to stand on their grounds and protect the natural resources of their land are now masterminding illegal mining. It's very heartbreaking to have known that some traditional leaders are championing "galamsey", knowing well of its immediate and future consequence on their society". She laments.

Nana Adomaa Kyirekuaa I stressed to rebuke traditional leaders within the New Juaben Municipality and across the country to desist from all 'galamsey' operations and take on the responsibility of protecting the future of their people and the natural resources.

"Where is your honour as leader of a community, if you take money from foreigners and permit them to destroy the source of water of your community? We were made leaders to protect our people, seek for their wellbeing and play a very important role in development strategies in our areas. We are mandated to proceed with the legacy of our forefathers who fought with every bit of their blood for this land. The future generation looks up to us" she lamented.

The Akyeampemhene has also complimented the president Nana Addo Danquah Akuffo Addo on his fight against galamsey and called on all traditional leaders to support his course.

"The president is doing his best to cease illegal mining in the country and we are charged to support his course. The battle against illegal mining is a call to every Ghanaian citizen and we should all get involved" she added.

Nana Adomaa Kyirekuaa on Tuesday 18th May 2021 had paid a courtesy visit to the Asokore Community Clinic to donate some maternal items worth thousands of cedis to the maternity department of the Clinic.

Items donated include Nightgowns and bathrobes, Nursing Bra, Laboring Clothes, Maternity pads, Toiletries among many other things.

She had also visited the Akwadum Christian Village Orphanage Home with Blessed Hands Foundation For Needy Mothers to donate items such as bags of rice and beans, cartons of biscuits and oats, clothes, toiletries and many other items.

Nana Adomaa Akyirekuaa is the leader and founder of Blessed Hands Foundation For Needy Mothers, a philanthropic organisation that seeks the welfare of mothers and the plight of the less privileged.

The donation according to Nana Adomaa Kyirekuaa forms part of the Foundation's Corporate Social Responsibility project.
