Thu, 06 May 2021 Politics

Gov’t fixing country amidst Covid-19 challenges - Information Minister

  Thu, 06 May 2021
Gov’t fixing country amidst Covid-19 challenges - Information Minister

Information Minister, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, has assured Ghanaians that the Akufo-Addo led administration will fix challenges confronting the nation even though the country is battling with the Covid-19 pandemic.

“It is true that not all Ghana's problem was solved in the first term of the Akufo-Addo's administration but it is true that Ghana made progress. Unfortunately, we were hit by Covid-19 pandemic and economic activities had to halt in many parts of the country and the growth that we were seeing and the speed all had to be brought down, Ghana is not the only country that has experienced this , many countries all over the world experienced this,” he said.

He indicated that the consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic was that an economic challenge was sweeping the whole world and that has affected Ghana as well.

Mr. Nkrumah stated that government was working hard to find ways to contain the current economic challenges.

“What government had do is to borrow a lot because revenues were not coming and you would still had to spend a lot to provide and protect for the people and so you find that our economy is not where we will all want it to be but that is where you must recognize the work that has been done so far and have confidence that if this administration was able to turn things around from 2017, this administration can turn around this challenges that we have had amidst Covid-19 and move us back to the path of growth.”

The Information Minister made this known when he had an encounter with journalists during his tour of the North East region.

His comment follows a social media hashtag #Fixthecountry campaign ongoing in the country.

He urged the good people of the North East region to disregard the propaganda by the opposition NDC and see the massive projects completed and ongoing in the region even in the Covid-19 pandemic era.

Mr. Nkrumah appealed to journalists to continue to preach about the COVID-19 pandemic and the adherence to the health protocols to help prevent the spread of the virus.

“ The wearing of the mask is the cheapest and the most effective way we can ensure that we protect the population but if you don't keep reminding them and they let their guard down we can be overtaken by a third wave.”

He disclosed that President Akufo-Addo was committed to ensuring that the country gets more vaccines to vaccinate the entire population.

The Information Minister paid a courtesy call on the Overlord of the Mamprugu Traditional Area, Nayiri Naa Bohagu Mahami Abdulai Sheriga at his palace in Nalerigu and also interacted with Information Department and party communicators in the North East region.

---DGN online
