Tue, 06 Apr 2021 Headlines

631 projects completed in Savannah — Bawumia

  Tue, 06 Apr 2021
Vice President Bawumia at the chief's palaceVice President Bawumia at the chief's palace

Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia has announced the completion of 631 projects in the Savannah Region within the last four years.

One hundred and fifty-five projects are ongoing, and these, he assured the people of Gonjaland, would be completed.

He was speaking during the 45th annual congress of the Gonja Youth Association in Bole last Saturday.

“A lot has been done for Gonjaland and the Savannah Region in road construction. The Daboya-Mankarigu river road is being constructed and potable water has been provided in Salaga, Yapei and the Damongo water project which is ongoing and should be completed on schedule,” he said.

The Vice President said that Gonjas and Mamprusis are brothers and sisters, and for that matter it was his responsibility to see to the rapid development of the Savannah Region.

“One project that is very dear to my heart and the government is the reconstruction of the Daboya bridge, I have spoken to the contractors, and barring any unforeseen challenges, I can assure you that reconstruction work will begin this year.

“Gonjaland is blessed with abundant natural resources, and tourism attractions,” he said, adding, “These assets position the region to take advantage of government's policies for the accelerated development of the Gonjaland.

Vice President Bawumia commended the leadership of the Gonjaland Youth Association for their resolve to begin Community-based Farming Initiative in order to create jobs for the youth in the area, assuring that the project will receive support from the Ministry of Food and Agriculture under the Planting for Food and Jobs programme.

He assured chiefs and people of the Gonjaland that plans are far advanced for the commencement of the building of the Buipe, Yapei and Daboya bridges in July, 2021.

Continuing, he said, “Although I am Mamprugu, I consider myself a proud son of Gonjaland, and I will help to do whatever it takes to develop this land.”

He expressed worry about conflicts, climate change and illegal forestry and land activities which threaten development.

The Vice President commended the King and Overlord of the Gonja Kingdom, Yagbonwura Tuntumba Boresa I, and chiefs of Gonjaland for their efforts in resolving chieftaincy disputes in the region.

“For us to develop Gonjaland and Northern Ghana in general, we need peace and tranquility, we need to be united as a people and promote coexistence and I thank the Yagbonwura and his chiefs for their efforts in resolving chieftaincy disputes in Gonjaland,” he said.

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia donated an amount of GH¢50,000 towards the construction of the Ndewura Jakpa Royal Museum and Worship Centre.

The 45th Gonjaland Youth Association Congress was held under the theme: “Beyond election 2020, uniting Gonjaland for rapid socioeconomic development.”

Meanwhile, former President and a son of Gonjaland, John Dramani Mahama, was missing at this year's Gonjaland Youth Association Congress.

Reason for his absence was not immediately known. Some Gonja youth have expressed disappointment about the failure of former President John Mahama to grace the occasion.

---DGN online

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