
We must protect the peace in Ghana – Human Rights group to Ghanaians

  Tue, 15 Dec 2020
Elections We must protect the peace in Ghana – Human Rights group to Ghanaians

A civil society group, the Human Rights and Governance Centre, has commended Ghanaians for conducting themselves well before during and after the 2020 polls.

The Human Rights and Governance centre in their statement also called on the relevant state institutions to investigate the shooting and other violent incidents that occurred at some voting centres adding that the perpetrators must be held accountable in accordance with the law.

The centre also in a press statement signed by Mr. Martin Kpebu called on Ghanaians to do everything within their means to protect the country's peace.

Below is the full statement by the Human Rights and Governance Centre Let's Protect the Peace of Ghana – HRG Centre, Accra

The Human Rights and Governance Centre (HRG Centre), wishes to commend all Ghanaians for their role in the successful 2020 Ghana Elections. The Centre however notes with concern that the injuries and the shooting to death of some unarmed citizens in certain constituencies by security personnel are regrettable.

These issues must be investigated, and the perpetrators held accountable in accordance with the law.

The seeming tensions that have characterized the post-election environment, if not properly handled, has the potential to degenerate and stain the country's long cherished democratic image. The claim to victory and the protests against the Electoral Commission, particularly, by aggrieved supporters of political parties and the firing of warning shots by the security services in the bid to control such protests as seen in few areas do not portend well for the stability of the country.

The HRG Centre wishes to remind the various contestants in the elections that the courts remain the last and the surest democratic option to resolving any electoral dispute, if all other legal means fail. What is very assuring is that the Supreme Court of Ghana has promised to resolve any 2020 presidential election dispute within 42 days.

Finally, the HRG Centre calls on the security services to be evenhanded in maintaining the peace and security in the collective quest for stability and prosperity of Ghana.


Lawyer Martin Luther Kpebu

The Human Rights and Governance Centre, Accra-Ghana

