
NDC’s rigging claims of Techiman South parliamentary elections false – NPP

  Fri, 11 Dec 2020
Elections NDC’s rigging claims of Techiman South parliamentary elections false – NPP

The ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) has rubbished claims by the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) that the Techiman South parliamentary election was rigged.

According to them, the NDC's concern that security persons were used to skewing the results in favour of the NPP is untrue.

Addressing the press at the Greater Accra Regional campaign office of the NPP, a former MCE for Techiman, Prince Yaw Donyina, said the NDC is peddling falsehood.

“They [security officers] were not there to intimidate anybody. It was because of the actions of the NDC, their chairman, their communicators that got a lot of people there [collation centres] and so there was the need for the police to protect the electoral officers… How could the declaration be made if collation was not done? That is an unacceptable electoral practice and could not have happened,” he said.

The opposition National Democratic Congress has insisted that its candidate won the elections contrary to claims by the NPP that its candidate, Martin Agyei Mensah Korsah won the polls.

It said it will not accept the results of the elections because it was fraught with several irregularities including chaos at the collation centre.

“We want to state without any fear that Martin Agyei Mensah Korsah has not won the Techiman South election. We want to tell the regional EC that we are not happy at the way the Municipal officials have conducted themselves.”

But the NPP's Prince Yaw Donyina said the chaos was started by the NDC.

He called on the country's security apparatus to move to arrest the situation and also provide security in the face of alleged threats by some NDC supporters to foment trouble.

“Techiman is a peaceful place to live in. It is the NDC that is causing trouble there…I'm calling on the Defense Minister, the Interior Minister, National Security Minister to take note of what is happening in Techiman. We cannot allow these to go unchecked so by this, we are calling on all peace-loving Ghanaians to condemn what is happening.”

