Sat, 17 Oct 2020 Regional News

Hon. Bernard Ahiafor Congratulates Torgbuiga Dorglo Anumah VI

By Japhet Festus Gbede
Hon. Bernard Ahiafor Congratulates Torgbuiga Dorglo Anumah VI

Hon. Bernard Ahiafor, on his behalf and on behalf of the Good people of Akatsi South congratulates Torguigah Dorglo Anumah IV on his election to the National House of Chiefs yesterday.

Torgbuigah Dorglo Anumah VI has once again lifted the humble flag of Avenor high. His election as part of the 5-member representatives of the Volta region at the National House of Chiefs speaks volume and needs to be celebrated by all sons and daughters of Avenor.

At least, Avenor for the first time has gotten a national recognition and a special position at the National House of Chiefs. This and other developments we must all yearn for.

May the Good Lord grant us more Favor, Peace, and Unity as we all build our mother Ghana, Volta region, and Akatsi South.

Long Live Ghana!

Long Live Volta!!

God Bless Avenor!!!


The office of the member of Parliament Hon. Bernard Ahiafor
