Mon, 05 Oct 2020 Social News

Ashanti Regional Chief Imam Faces Widespread Condemnation From Muslim Communities Over Mahama Morgue Promise

Ashanti Regional Chief Imam Faces Widespread Condemnation From Muslim Communities Over Mahama Morgue Promise

In his obvious attempt to use politics to shoot down the mortuary promises for Muslims being made by the former President John Dramani Mahama, the Ashanti Regional Chief Imam Sheik Abdulai Mummin Haroun who allegedly bent on inciting Muslims against the hatred of Mahama has backfired as number of Muslims have called on Ghanaians to treat him with contempt or consider his anti–mortuary stance for Muslims as his own opinion.

Speaking to Modernghana reporter in Kumasi in reaction to what he termed as Chief Imam’s “effusions and attempt to belittle the intelligence of Muslim Communities”, the Chairman for Muslim Executive Foundation, Alhaji Musah Abubakari indicates that Sheik Mummin Haroun’s series of press conferences in Kumasi against former President Mahama’s promise to build mortuary for Muslim communities throughout the country does not form part of Muslims believes in the Koran.

He urges the Chief Imam to come out with better alternative if he wishes to dabble in politics with the former President John Dramani Mahama and his promise for Muslims.

Alhaji Musah noted that former President Mahama and his NDC party never forced into their People’s Manifesto, the promise to build mortuaries for the Muslims when he wins power, instead it was rather the Muslims who gave him the green light to build the mortuaries when he met the various group towards the development of the party's manifesto.

Chairman Musah who was speaking on behalf of the Foundation conceded the fact that the religion allows them to bury the dead some hours a Muslim gives up the ghost.

He said in most cases some of the deaths of a Muslim demand investigation before burial which requires that the dead body be deposited in the morgue until formalities are completed.

He added that since Muslims also deserves better just like any religious body, mortuary is the best alternative.

Alhaji Musah asserted that unknown to the public, Muslims have a mortuary at Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital to serve such purpose.

According to him, the Ashanti Regional Chief Imam who has kept quiet to educate the public about the Pro-Muslims mortuary existence know about the facility which is located at KATH.

“Our topmost agenda is to organise and maintain the existing or build an ultra-modern mortuary across the country for our own good should any government fails to consider our plight,” he told Modernghana reporter.

He added that Mr Mahama’s promise is most welcome news to the Muslim Communities with the hope of the majority that all the 16 regions in the country would embrace Mahama’s promise and pray for his victory to come true to enable him fulfil his good promise.

This, he stressed, that if the Ashanti Chief Imam has any bone of contention with the former President Mahama, he cannot use politics as a cover to divide the front of the peaceful and well–united Muslims.

Muslim Executive Foundation, is a Pro- Muslim Movement, headquartered in Kumasi and consists of Muslims intellectuals like lawyers, lecturers, businessmen, engineers, journalists, bankers among others who undertake Muslim youth and elderly through socio-economic and political workshops across the country to ensure that the youth becomes abreast with their civil rights, do’s and don’ts and what happens around them to lead exemplary lives in the society.

King Amoah
King Amoah

Ashanti Regional CorrespondentPage: KingAmoah
