
The Presidential Seat & Favourites Of Mother Ghana (Sequel To “Mystery About Ghana & Rawlings”

By Bernard King
Opinion The Presidential Seat & Favourites Of Mother Ghana (Sequel To “Mystery About Ghana & Rawlings”

The history of Mother Ghana has been an interesting one since olden times and continues to be unique to this present day.

In 1996, the dictatorial and invincible reign of ex-President Rawlings was unraveled in an Article titled “The Mystery about Ghana and Rawlings”, one month to the 1996 elections (Ref: Weekly Insight Newspaper, Jan 2, 1997).

It is 24 years now and another election is due soon.

In that article I predicted a win for ex-President Rawlings, using the Science of Numbers called Numerology and the Spiritual Foundation of Ghana.

More research has followed thereafter and the new revelations are so interesting and important to update readers at this time and year of elections.

As said in the old article, Numerology is the science of numbers in a person’s life, and this was used to calculate and analyze both the destiny of mother Ghana and its Leaders since Independence.

The 2 main aspects of Numerology are the date of birth of a person and the Name of that person at the time of birth.

According to the inventors of this Science, all calculations use the digits 1 to 9, and any two or three digits is reduced further to arrive at a final digit number. There are many charts

and here is the Numerology Chart of Pythagoras, the Greek Scientist and Mathematician which we shall use.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The total sum of one’s birthdate is called the Life Path Number or Spiritual Number of the person, while the total sum of one’s Name at the time of birth is called the Destiny Number or Esoteric Number of the person. Our names are powerful part of us

To calculate the Birthdate, all the digit numbers, plus the month number of the year are added and reduced to one digit.

And to get the Number of one’s Name, each letter is expressed numerically or is represented by the corresponding number according to the Chart above and added together.

These Numerology Numbers provide an interrelation of cosmic vibrations in the character, purpose in life and talents inherent in a person.

Now to Mother Ghana. This nation called Ghana came into existence after Independence on 6th of March 1957, and Dr. Kwame Nkrumah born on 21 Sept. 1909 became the first ruler or leader.

Using the Chart above, the name Ghana sums up to 4.

(G=7,H=8,A=1,N=5,A=1. All together is 22 and reducing 22 further is 2+2=4. The birthdate is 06.03.1957, which is 6+3+1+9+5+7=31,

and 31 is reduced further to 3+1=4.

Thus, both the Spiritual Foundation and Cosmic Vibration Numbers of Mother Ghana is the Number 4.

Coming to the first ruler, the name Kwame Nkrumah sums up to 4. (K=2,W=5,A=1,M=4,E=5; N=5,K=2,R=9,U=3,M=4,A=1,H=8). Adding all together comes to 49 and reduces to 13 then 4. His birthdate 21.09.1909 also sums up to 31 then 4(2+1+9+1+9+0+9=31=3+1=4).

7+ 8+ 1+ 5+ 1 = 22 =2+2=4
Birthdate 06.03.1957 6+3+1+9+5+7 = 31 = 3+1 =4
K W A M E – N K R U M A H 2 5 1 4 5 + 5 2 9 3 4 1 8= 17+32=49=4+9=13=1+3=4
DATE OF BIRTH= 21.09.1909 = 2+1+9+1+9+0+9 = 31= 3+1= 4

Dr. Nkrumah left Ghana for Hanoi, Vietnam on February 22(date 4) and 2 days later on the 24 Feb. 1966, some Soldiers with the help of the American CIA made a coup and removed President Nkrumah and his Government.

The Leaders of the coup-detat were Colonel A.A.Afrifa and Colonel E.K Kotoka. The full name of Afrifa is Akwasi Amankwaa Afrifa and was born on 24th April 1936. His birthdate sums up to 2 and his name and destiny number sums up 8.

The other soldier was Emmanuel Kwasi Kotoka and born on 26th October, 1926. His name and Destiny Number sums up to 4, and his birthdate and Spiritual Number sums up to 9.

A K W A S I - A M A N K W A A – A F R I F A 1 2 5 1 1 9 1 4 1 5 2 5 1 1 1 6 9 9 6 1
1+2+5+1+1+9+1+4+1+5+2+5+1+1+1+6+9+9+6+1=71=7+1= 8
DATE OF BIRTH- 24.04.1936= 2+4+0+4+1+9+3+6=29= 2+9=11=1+1= 2
E M M A N U E L – K W A S I – K O T O K A 5 4 4 1 5 3 5 3 2 5 1 1 9 2 6 2 6 2 1
5+4+4+1+5+3+5+3+2+5+1+1+9+2+6+2+6+2+1=67=6+7=13=1+3= 4
DATE OF BIRTH- 26.10.1926= 2+6+1+0+1+9+2+6=27=2+7= 9

In April 1967, Kotoka was killed in an abortive coup, leaving Afrifa and General Ankrah to carry on the mantle of leadership until 1969 when they handed over the baton to a civilian Government.

Dr. Kofi Abrefa Busia, born on 11th July 1913 and his Progressive Party took over the affairs of the nation as Prime Minister. His Name or Destiny Number sum up to 2, and the total sum of his birthdate or Spiritual Number was 5.

There was also Sir Edward Akuffo Addo, as Ceremonial President. His full name and Destiny Number was 4, while his birthdate 26.06.1906 or Spiritual Number summed up to 3.

Two years later(1969-1971)the new Government was ousted by another soldier, Colonel Ignatius Kutu Acheampong in a coup-detat on 31 January 1972. Acheampong’s full name sums up to 4, and his birthdate 23rd Sept.1931 sums up to 1. He staged the Coup on 31st(date 4)and called his Government the Supreme Military Council.

After 6 years(1972-1978)of poor governance, a palace coup was hatched against Acheampong and removed from the hot seat. General Frederick William Kwasi Akuffo, the then Chief of Staff and second to General Acheampong became the new Head of State. With the Destiny Number of 2 from his Name, and Spiritual Number 8 from his birthdate 21.03.1937, he did not last long on the throne just as Busia. The soldiers found out it was easy to make a coup and so the dare-devils tried their luck anytime.

Readers, the story is getting interesting, isn’t it?

General Akuffo’s reign was cut short on 4th (date 4) June 1979 by Major Kojo Boakye Djan and his Comrades. Prior to this date, J.J. Rawlings an Air Force Flight Lieutenant attempted his Coup on 15th May but failed. He was awaiting trial and death sentence when his good friend and school mate at Achimota College tried his luck and succeeded, perhaps on that favorable day 4.

Released from prison, Rawlings joined the other coup makers, and being the vociferous one among them, was made the leader of the Coup and the new Head of State of Ghana.

The birthdate of Major Kojo Boakye Djan is unknown to me, but his full name or Destiny Number sums up to 4.

Jeremy John Rawlings(Jerry is short for Jeremy)sums up to 1, and his birthdate 22.06.1947 or Spiritual Number sums up to 4.

In the heat of the uprising, one of the Government Leaders did not give up easily to the evil plot of these junior officers headed by Boakye Djan.

Lieutenant-General Alexander Neville Odartey Wellington rose up and exchanged fire with those that came to him. He fought gallantly, killing many of the soldiers, but in the end, he ran out of bullets and rushed to nearby Nima Police Station for more bullets but was denied. The reinforcement of soldiers closed in on him and sprayed his body with machine guns. They literally shredded his body like pieces of paper while the Police Officers looked on sheepishly. Were they sorry or happy? He surrendered and the Police could have shielded him as peace officers, and later on handed him over to the new leaders. They did not.

It is likely Rawlings was among the gunners, and it might interest readers to know that General Odartey-Wellington was the one that foiled the mutiny by Rawlings on 15th May 1979. Rawlings therefore had a score to settle with General Odartey, and you can imagine the hatred Rawlings had for him when they met face to face.

Odartey-Wellington was a gallant Number 4 from both his full name and date of birth 12.11.1934. Check it out.

The dare-devils, still alive, also had this special number 4 in their nature, and this particular war was a clash of the Titans.

K O J O B O A K Y E D J A N 2 6 1 6 2 6 1 2 7 5 4 1 1 5 2+6+1+6 2+6+1+2+7+5 4+1+1+5 =15+23+11=49=4+9=13=1+3= 4
J E R E M Y J O H N R A W L I N G S 1 5 9 5 4 7 1 6 8 5 9 1 5 3 9 5 7 1 1+5+9+5+4+7 1+6+8+5 9+1+5+3+9+5+7+1=31+20+40=91=9+1=10=1+0= 1
DATE OF BIRTH= 22.06.1947=2+2+6+1+9+4+7=31=3+1= 4
N E V I L L E A L E X A N D E R O D A R T E Y W E L L I N GTON 5 5 4 9 3 3 5 1 3 5 6 1 5 4 5 9 6 4 1 9 2 5 7 5 5 3 3 9 5 7265 Neville-34, Alexander-39,Odartey-34, Wellington-50 3+4+3+9+3+4+5+0=31=3+1=4 Or Total 157=1+5+7=13=1+3= 4
DATE OF BIRTH=12.11.1934= 1+2+1+1+1+9+3+4=22=2+2= 4

Rawlings and his new AFRC Government did some serious Military House Cleansing among other things, by killing all the Heads of the Military Service, including ex-leaders Acheampong & Afrifa.

After 4 months and on 22nd Sept.1979(date 4),the AFRC Government handed over power to a civilian Government on a 4 year mandate.

Dr. Hilla Babini Limann, born on 12.12.1934, happily took the mantle of leadership to do the best he could for the nation.

His full name/destiny number was 7, and his birthdate/Spiritual Number was 5. Just one and half years later, another man of 4 decided to remove President Limann from the throne, and again Mother Ghana gave her blessing to this man.

J.J. Rawlings, not satisfied with 4 months on the throne, made his coup plans and choosing the favorable date 4, succeeded in overthrowing ex-President Limann and his Government on 31st Dec.1981 with new comrades.

This was perhaps to show his prowess at coup-making or to tell Ghanaians that only Dictators like him can rule the nation well.

It was evidently clear that he was just an old hierarchy of cosmic number 4 citizen of Ghana getting the backing of Mother Ghana.

From 1982 to 1992 Rawlings showed his true colors in what was called the reign of terror, fear, silence and disappearance. He made sure to drown his enemies like Kojo Lee and Yeye Boy, as some Achimotans knew him in school. He eliminated all the 3 Supreme Court Judges and the Army Officer who presided over his mutiny trial. He also made enemies with Boakye Djan, and unable to kill him, framed charges on Kyereme Djan (Boakye Djan’s brother) and got him executed.

Another strange enemy was his own half-brother Isaac Newton Addy. Rawlings banned the Mormon Church headed by his brother for some time, and to make matters worse Brother Addy gave their mother a Mercedes Benz Saloon Car which was later found to be a stolen car during the 1995 new registration of cars in the country. The matter was sent to Court but quickly withdrawn and settled at home because the Police and the Judges feared to prosecute Madam Agbotui, the mother of the President.

Rawlings got mad at his brother and remained in loggerheads with him till Mr. Addy died.

Rawlings confessed in 2006 that he ordered killers to go and eliminate Yeye Boy(his spiritual master and fetish priest from Atidzive in the Volta Region), and claimed he did it to demonstrate to the people that juju is a sham and does not pay. But this was not true. Yeye Boy wanted to reveal some secrets and Rawlings had to get him out of the way.

There were so many killings of about 300 Ghanaians, but Rawlings was not held responsible due to indemnity and immunity clause in the Ghana Constitution for him and all future Presidents.

Ex-President Rawlings desecrated the land and soiled the throne with so many innocent bloods that, in the spiritual realm Mother Ghana and other Gods in Accra regretted giving him that spiritual backing. They decided there and then to change the pattern of leadership after Rawlings, and for 16 years they left the seat opened to the survival of the fittest.

Mother Ghana did not pamper her 4 favorites again, and in the 2000 elections, the nation saw the two main dominant Parties NDC and NPP select flagbearers who had neither the Spiritual nor the Destiny Number 4 in their nature.

The full name of ex-President John Evans Atta Mills of NDC sum up to 3, and his birthdate 21.07.1944 sum up to 1, while ex-President John Agyekum Kufuor born on 08.12.1938 has a Destiny Number 8 and Spiritual Number 5.

Kufuor and his New Patriotic Party won the elections and ruled from 2000 to 2008.

Next came Atta Mills from 2009 to 2012, and then John Dramani Mahama born on 29.11.1958 from 2013 to 2016. Ex-President Mahama has both the Destiny Number and Spiritual Number 9 in his nature.

The new man on the seat from 2017 to 2020 is Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo Addo born on 29.03.1944, and it would surprise readers to know that he is a man of 4 and the new favorite of Mother Ghana.

Can this be true? Yes, and this is not from an Occultist or Fetish Priest or a Prophet revelation. This is the science of numbers analysis. Let’s find out.

The original name of the current President at the time of birth was William Addo Dankwa. He only added more names later in his adult stage. This name and destiny number sums up to 4 and his birthdate and spiritual number sums up to 5. Here is the Chart.

5 9 3 3 9 1 4 1 4 4 6 4 1 5 2 5 1
5 9 3 3 9 1 4 + 1 4 4 6 + 4 1 5 2 5 1=67=6+7=13=4

Here is a tough man of the 4 hierarchy and it can be seen that Mother Ghana did not pamper him but left him to struggle to ascend to the throne. Mother Ghana has thus found another favorite and from all indications he is bound to occupy the seat again, come December 7, 2020.This is my prediction from Numerological point of analysis.

Now let us see those who could be on the hot seat from 2025 onwards. Again, using this same Numerology analysis, I would plead with all future Presidential Aspirants to check their numbers before they make any move for the Seat.

In the NPP House for example, Honorable Kennedy Ohene Agyapong is a favorite. He has the destiny number 4, and his birthdate 16.06.1960 gives him a spiritual number 1. Others like Alan Cash and Mahamadu Bawumia are not among the 4 hierarchy to compete.

In the NDC Circle, Madam Jane Naana Opoku Agyeman, the running mate of John Mahama is a top favorite. Her maiden name is Jane Naana Sam which sums up to 4, and her birthdate 22.11.1951, also sum up to 4. She could be the first woman President and Mother Ghana would solidly rally behind her, unless otherwise.

With regard to the minor Parties, I would urge them to merge and form one formidable Third Party, and select a man or woman of 4 to be the flagbearer. Here would be a big test for Mother Ghana.

A similar situation happened in the 1992 elections. Chairman Rawlings born on 22.06.1947 and with spiritual number 4 was chosen among 2 other Contestants of the same spiritual number 4. General Alexander Erskine, was born on 19.01.1937 which sums up to 4, and Mr. Kwabena Darko born on 23.10.1942,also sums up to 4

These two men were virtually unknown in the political scene and Mother Ghana gave the mantle to the popular Junior Jesus.

How exciting the Presidential Race could be if all the Parties would choose a man or woman of 4 for the contest.

Let us hope Political Giants like Paa Kwesi Nduom, Dr. Edward Mahama, Madam Samiah Nkrumah, Mr. Greenstreet, Madam Konadu Agyeman Rawlings, Mr. Ayariga Hassan and others, would take a cue from the Numerology analysis and form one Party to throw to the dominant Parties a great challenge in the 2024 election.

Long live the President!! Long live Mother Ghana!!

Bernard King

Hamburg, Germany

Email: [email protected]

Which team do you think has the higher chance of winning the 2024 elections?

Started: 02-07-2024 | Ends: 31-10-2024
