
Let's Operate Within The Confines Of The Law--NDC Salaga South Candidate Cautions NPP

  Mon, 20 Jul 2020
NDC Let's Operate Within The Confines Of The Law--NDC Salaga South Candidate Cautions NPP

Due to reports being received, it appears the ongoing new voter registration exercise has recorded some electoral flaws that have affected the smooth running of the operation in the Salaga South Constituency of the Savannah region.

Some of the key issues that have angered the main opposition NDC the most is the alleged bussing of some strangers to voter registration centres by the incumbent Member of Parliament for Salaga South, Hon. Salifu Adam Braimah, who also doubles as the Savannah regional Minister.

The minister is also the Head of the Savannah Regional Security Council.

Against this background, the NDC Salaga South Parliamentary Candidate, Hajia Zuwera Ibrahimah, has sent a strong word of caution to the ruling NPP.

Below is her full statement registering their displeasure against the action of the Regional Minister.


The people of Salaga South Constituency demonstrated this morning that they will not condone any acts of lawlessness irrespective of the source.

They stand resolute in the conviction that elections must be fought and conducted cleanly and within the confines of the electoral laws of Ghana.

In my view, we seek political office in order that we can use the office to better the lot of our people. When we therefore short change the same people who gave us political power then we are putting the enterprise of politics into disrepute.

It is therefore sad that the MP for Salaga South Constituency Hon. Salifu Adam Braimah in his quest to influence this year's presidential and parliamentary elections has thrown all caution to the wind and so in addition to breaking the electoral laws also seeks to undermine the public health of the Salaga municipality.

The transportation into the municipality of people whose COVID-19 statuses are not known is both reckless and irresponsible. Nothing should be done by any leader to undermine the health of its people in order for him or her to gain political advantage.

It is on this score that I salute the law-abiding people of Salaga South for taking their destinies into their own hands and foiling the MP/Regional Minister's irresponsible conduct this morning.

As the head of the Regional security council and the MP for Salaga South, the Hon minister should be the last person to do acts that have the potential to undermine the security of the constituency and the region as a whole.

Bussing non-indigenes and residents of Salaga South Constituency from Damongo to Salaga South to register could spark anxiety both in Salaga and in Damongo.

I salute and assure you all that we shall do everything in our power and within the law to preserve the sanctity of the December elections. We shall make sure that the fidelity of the election results is never in question and represent the true will of the people. More importantly, we assure the good people of Salaga South Constituency of good and responsible leadership.

Let me use this opportunity to strongly encourage my opponent to desist from such further illegal acts and be assured that he will not be allowed to benefit from any fraudulent activity as it occurred the last time. We are ready for a clean campaign and a clean election.

To the law-abiding people of Salaga South I say, Let's go out now and register massively so that we are eligible to vote for JM and Hajia on December 7th.

God bless the good people of Salaga South

God bless our great NDC party

God bless our homeland Ghana

Hajia Zuwera Ibrahimah

NDC Parliamentary Candidate

Salaga South Constituency




