
Bono Region: NPP Behind Fake News About Registration Of Foreigners — NDC

NDC Bono Region:  NPP Behind Fake News About Registration Of Foreigners — NDC

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Bono Region is accusing the New Patriotic Party (NPP) of being behind what they describe as fake news about the registration of foreigners in the ongoing Voter Registration exercise in the region.

There has been disturbing news coming from the Region involving the death of a 28-year old man who was killed by thugs.

Also, there have been reports of nationals from the Ivory Coast caught registering for the Voter ID Card in the region This led to the arrest of five ladies.

The Ghana Immigration Officers in the area alleged that they were brought in by Hon. Ahmed Ibrahim, Member of Parliament (MP) for Banda Constituency.

But at a press conference, the NDC in the Bono Region has stressed the accusations against the NDC was hatched by an employee of the Wildlife Division of the Forestry Commission, a well-known NPP member and self-acclaimed National Security Operative called Prince who recorded the video clips of these vulnerable young ladies.

The party, after uncovering that the ladies in question are residents of Bongase in the Banda District are calling on the Attorney General's office to prosecute them alongside all their perpetrators who connived with them to frame the fake story.

“We call on the Interior Minister and the Attorney General's office to prosecute these five Young Ladies alleged to be Nationals of Ivory Coast together with their landlord/landlady, including their alleged accomplices who led them to the registration center or better still repatriate them”, a press statement signed by the NDC Regional Secretary Dennis Yeboah Twumasi has said.

“We assure the NPP, that any lie perpetrated against the NDC will be appropriately rebutted with adequate hard fact evidence and truth as we have just done”, the press statement concluded.

Find full statement below:




Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo
Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo

JournalistPage: EricNanaYawKwafo
