
Circuit Supervisors Admonished To Improve Educational Standard In Ahafo Region

By Sammy Asare || Ahafo Hwidiem
Education Circuit Supervisors Admonished To Improve Educational Standard In Ahafo Region

The District Chief Executive (DCE) for Asutifi South in Ahafo Region, Honourable (Hon) Robert Dwomoh Mensah, has urged Circuit Supervisors (CS) in the region to help improve the standard of education because their major challenge is tackled by the government.

Hon. Robert Dwomoh Mensah said this at a brief ceremony where COVID-19 protocols were keenly observed to present nine new registered motorbikes with helmets to circuit supervisors in his district on behalf of the government under the auspices of the Ministry of Education.

According to him, for education which is key to development to reach the standard the country expects, the government led by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo - Addo has decided to furnish circuit supervisors in the country with the needed items to undertake intensive supervision at basic schools often irrespective of locations of schools.

He explained, Ahafo Region has many schools at the hinterlands where accessibility is extremely difficult and due to this circuit supervisors are unable to visit schools often to assess heads and other staff to enhance education so with these motorbikes at their disposal such genuine challenge is solved.

He revealed that with the absence of motorbikes for circuit supervisors, most heads and teachers at schools in remote communities underperform because they are confidently aware that their officers can not visit to assess them as expected.

" It's pathetic to see how heads and teachers at schools where circuit supervisors don't visit often " he lamented.

Hon. Robert Dwomoh Mensah said, to whom much is given, much is expected, so henceforth circuit supervisors in the region especially in his jurisdiction have no excuse not to enforce teachers to deliver for pupils to have the best of education just like those in urban areas in the country.

" The habit of lateness, truancy among others on the part heads and teachers must come to an end now that government has adhered to your call," he told the circuit supervisors.

He stated, the New Patriotic Party(NPP) government has education at heart that is why many initiatives are been commenced so circuit supervisors who are part of the government must also ensure discharge their role for effective results for Ghana.

On whether the availability of the motorbikes will bring positive results in the educational sector, the DCE confidently said yes. In his explanation to support his stance, now directors of education at the district level will compel the beneficiaries to visit schools to check heads and teachers knowing there are no challenges as compared previously.

The Director of Education for Asutifi South District, Mr. Ekow Quansah, on behalf of the directorate, thanked the government and Ministry of Education for responding to the major challenge facing circuit supervisors in their line of duty.

To him, the government wants education in the country to be best and for such an idea to be achieved, all stakeholders must be equipped with the needed materials just like how circuit supervisors have received theirs today. He said, recently directors of education in the country have received new pickups from the government to help them perform well showing clearly that the government is down to earth when it comes to uplifting the country's education.

He said the presence of the motorbikes will assist them to keenly monitor the activities of heads and teachers at communities where vehicles can not reach due to poor nature of roads therefore the government needs commendation.

He advised them to practice the culture of maintenance for the bikes to last. " Take them as your own properties because keeping the bikes in good shape will make your work easy," he told the beneficiaries.

Some of the beneficiaries expressed gratitude to the government and explained that discharging their duties was not easy at all with the absence of the bikes but now that the government has made provision for that they have no excuse.
