
Court Throw Out Contempt Case Against Trade Fair; Slaps Ghc5000 Cost On Raymond Archer, Others

  Tue, 09 Jun 2020
General News Court Throw Out Contempt Case Against Trade Fair; Slaps Ghc5000 Cost On Raymond Archer, Others

The Court of Appeal has awarded a cost of GHS5,000 against all the applicants, including Raymond Archer who are former tenants of the Ghana Trade Fair Company Limited.

This was after a contempt case filed against the Ghana Trade Fair Company Limited over the demolition of their structures was dismissed by the Court of Appeal.

The tenants of the demolished structures condemned the exercise and accused Trade Fair Company of failing to give them ample notice.

Management of Trade Fair has for some time now stated its intention to revamp the facility to restore the once vibrant trading hub to its hay days.

It is for this reason that all of its tenants were asked to vacate the premises in 2018.

About 20 structures belonging to different companies were pulled down on the authorization of the Trade Fair Company Limited.

But some aggrieved tenants filed a contempt suit against the company, on the basis that the company had gone ahead with the demolition despite a pending suit.

However, the Court of Appeal ruled that the tenants had not proved “beyond a reasonable doubt” that the Ghana Trade Fair Company Limited had committed contempt as alleged.

The ruling means the Trade Fair Company can go-ahead to develop its land.

Owners of the demolished buildings accused the authorities of carrying out the exercise on February 17, 2020 without giving them ample notice, though the company disputed the claims.

The company said it had informed all the tenants about the redevelopment project and gave them the mandatory six months notice on July 10, 2018, to vacate the site by December 31, 2018.

The company also referenced High Court ruling on February 12, 2020, which threw out an injunction order paving the way for the redevelopment.

It also assured that no business was targeted for demolition because of their political or other affiliations.

