Mon, 11 May 2020 Feature Article

COVID-19: The President Should Serve Positive Vibes Not Invectives

COVID-19: The President Should Serve Positive Vibes Not Invectives

COVID-19 pandemic has brought the world to its knees. It has perforated every facet of life without mercy. It has thrown all the beautiful visions the world had for this year out of gear.

Just some few months ago, one could just meet an old friend and without thinking twice; shake hands, hug and laugh your hearts out, but you do so now at your peril. Saturdays were for weddings, birthday parties, funerals, and duly followed by church services on Sunday, but what do we have today? People are having private ceremonies that in the past could attract revellers in droves. This is to insulate themselves against the lethal Coronavirus.

The order of the day now is to mask one's face. You are denied entry into some public institutions without a mask. We cannot admire the beautiful faces of our ladies anymore because their faces are covered with masks. The mask has been prescribed to prevent the contraction and the spread of Coronavirus.

Washing of the hands has now become a ritual. Some people have even washed their hands more than the baths they have had in their entire life. This should tell you we are not in normal times.

Businesses have folded up with employees being given the boot. This is because employers cannot pay salaries. Those who are able to pay, even do not make full payment. Employees have now become beggars just to eke out a living. Landlords are ejecting tenants because they cannot pay or renew their rent. The hopes of people have been dashed and it would only take a miracle for them to survive this precarious moment.

I applaud the government for the stimulus packages given to citizens to assuage their plights in order to scale the COVID-19 hurdle unscathed, though I disagree with some of the methods used in getting them to the populace, especially how the food was distributed.

The contributions of the largest opposition party, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and its flagbearer, John Dramani Mahama cannot be discounted. They have also contributed in diverse ways to help alleviate the sufferings of the masses.

Both the incumbent and the opposition have had their flaws in their bid to be in the good books of the citizens. They are always at each other's throat as to who is more knowledgeable in the management of the disease. Also, accusations and counter-accusations are not in short supply.

What broke the camel's back?

1. The formation of a COVID-19 team by the NDC to help fight the disease.

2. NDC accusing the incumbent of massaging the figures of COVID-19 infections.

3. Former President, John Dramani Mahama's Facebook Live Address, where he espoused that the economy is in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) after only a month of COVID-19.

4. The National Identification Authority's resoluteness and unfazed spirit to carry out registration in the Eastern Region through the public was up in arms.

5. Allegations by NDC Member of Parliament, Hon. Zenator Rawlings that, food was shared in her constituency based on party lines.

6. The Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia's 'Dumsor' and COVID-19 comparison.

7. The NDC accusing the President of using COVID-19 as a campaign tool.

Kindly bear with me because the list is inexhaustive.

The President has enjoyed some level of acceptance from the citizens as regards some of his decisions, whereas others too have lost faith in him due to some decisions he took like lifting the partial lockdown which is normal with humans, so I expected him to burst the bubble of his detractors by taking advantage of the positives chalked to convince all and sundry that he has everyone's interest at heart. Rather, he decided to muddy the waters.

In his 9th COVID-19 address to the nation, the President decided to throw some invectives at his opponents. I understand he is under pressure to get the country out of the woods, so getting under his skin by exposing some flaws in the management of the disease will get him livid, but he must understand that as a leader, you show testicular fortitude in the face of adversity. Throwing tantrums is the preserve of a weak leader.

Mr. President, this is the time to focus on the task ahead and not lose direction at the least opportunity. Show leadership by serving positive vibes. Collaborate with the opposition party if you think they have something good to offer. Knowledge does not reside in only one person's head. Do not be like the cunning "Kweku Ananse" who thinks he should be the repository of knowledge. Open yourself up for good reasoning and counsel in order to uproot this canker that has ravaged the world

The former President, John Mahama should go easy on the President. It is said that "You don't rebuke an adult in public". He should sit with the President and share ideas on how to extricate us from this ruthless disease.

To my fellow Ghanaians, the disease is real. Do not toy with your lives. Kindly adhere to the social protocols and you will be home and dry.

Wear your mask, wash your hands thoroughly with soap under running water, and practice social distancing.

We need you alive in building this great nation. We cannot afford to lose anyone to COVID-19.

The Writer is a Freelance Journalist

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