Mon, 19 Jun 2023 Family & Parenting

Fathers Take Care Of Your Health So You Can Be Alive To Play With Your Grandkids

By Dr. Barbara Entsuah MD, Family Medicine Physician
Fathers Take Care Of Your Health So You Can Be Alive To Play With Your Grandkids
19 JUN 2023 LISTEN

Hi, this is Dr. Barbara. Today is Father’s Day and I give a “Happy Father’s Day” shout out to all Fathers- whether you are a biological father, adoptive father, a Mentor, or playing a father figure to your nieces or nephews or other family or non-family Members. This incidentally will include Pastors and religious leaders who act as father figures.

My Father’s Day Wish for you is that you will take care of your health by being Proactive in getting your Basic Preventive Health Screenings taken care of. This means you are visiting your Health Care Provider once a year when you are not necessarily ill. Below are a few things you can take charge of by executing healthy decisions.

This is a yearly checkup where you Visit your Health Care Provider to talk about your health and do Basic Labs which may include Blood Sugar, Kidney test, Liver test and Cholesterol tests. Men specific tests include PSA for Prostate Cancer. You will have your Blood Pressure and Pulse also checked and your doctor can examine you. Uncontrolled BP can lead to Heart Disease, Heart Attacks, Strokes and Kidney Failure. Skin exam may be necessary and cancer screenings may be ordered if due.

There are several tests which can be done. These may be Stool Based Tests or procedures which look into your Large Bowel (Colon) with a camera. These may find cancer earlier when it can be easy to treat. This starts at age 45 years.

A blood test called a PSA will be ordered. Black men and those with a Family History of Prostate Cancer are at increased risk and so make sure you are checked.

Physical activity is good for your Heart, Weight, Blood sugar, and Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, and Mental Health. Aim for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity and 2 days of muscle strengthening activity. Stretching also protects your joints, helps your muscles by increasing blood flow and makes them work effectively. It also enables you to exercise better and avoid injuries. The cheapest EXERCISE IS WALKING.

Try to include fruit and vegetables as well as beans and nuts in your diet on a regular basis. Portion control of carbohydrates is very important. Taste your food before adding salt and use sugar and alcohol in moderation. Smoking increases your risk of Heart Diseases so seek help to quit smoking.

Courageous Men take care of their Mental Health. These include Socializing with friends and family, taking time out to destress and relax, and do physical activities. Talk to your Health Provider about Anger issues and if you feel depressed, have disabling anxiety or have thoughts like harming yourself or others.

This is also important. Having a relationship with your creator who has a plan and purpose for your life. Connect with Him. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 🙏🏾

@Barbara Entsuah #Loveyourbody# ❤️❤️❤️
