Mon, 07 May 2018 Health & Fitness

Bearded Woman; Causes Of Facial Hair In Women

Photo culled from Blog.drseymourweaver.comPhoto culled from

1. Changes In Hormonal Balance
Some women seem to experience extra hair growth during puberty, pregnancy, or as they age, especially after menopause, due to shifts in hormonal balance, with an increase in male hormones.

When you are pregnant, the levels of testosterone in the blood serum rise naturally, which may lead to hirsutism. The symptoms resolve after the baby’s birth when the testosterone levels go back to normal. During menopause, the ovaries secrete less and less estrogen while the production of testosterone continues unhindered. As a result, the levels of androgens in the body rise abnormally and lead to virilization or masculine features.

2. Medicines
Some medications like anabolic steroids or birth control pills with progesterone may mess with your hormone levels and trigger hirsutism. Other medicines include progestins, testosterone, bimatoprost, or cyclosporine.2

The most common cause of hirsutism in younger women is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a disorder that is characterized by high androgen levels and results in ovarian cysts and irregular periods.

4. Obesity
Obesity is associated with high levels of free testosterone in women and may contribute to hirsutism.3 Excess abdominal fat in particular can result in insulin resistance. High levels of insulin may also enhance androgen production.

5. Hormonal Disorders
Adrenal or pituitary gland disorders that cause the oversecretion of male hormones can be responsible for excessive hair. For instance,

  • Adrenal hyperplasia or enlarged adrenal glands that results in the abnormal production of male hormones
  • Pituitary adenomas or non-cancerous tumors that secrete prolactin, a hormone associated with the production of androgens5
  • Cushing syndrome which can be caused by tumors in the adrenal or pituitary glands

6. Tumors
Tumors affecting the adrenal or pituitary glands as well as certain tumors of the lungs, ovaries, or digestive tract can sometimes increase the secretion of androgens and cause hirsutism.6 Sometimes, a tumor in the pituitary gland could also result in excessive hair. So if you notice a sudden spurt of hairiness, you should always visit the doctor.
