Wed, 14 May 2008 General News

Video causes outrage at Memphis High School

By Allhiphop
Video causes outrage at Memphis High School

Parents in the Memphis, Tennessee area are in an uproar, following the emergence of a disturbing dance video allegedly recorded by Mitchell High School students.
Local CBS affiliate News Channel 3 (WREG-TV) has launched an investigation into a video which appeared on YouTube approximately one month ago titled “Mitchell High School Memphis… Rape Dat Ho.”

The clip appears to have been recorded on school property, and shows at least seven students engaged in simulated sexual acts, which one parent referred to as “sex with clothes on.”

While the students are dancing, others can be seen and heard in the background chanting a chorus of “Rape Dat Ho.”

“I would first like to apologize to the Memphis community for the embarrassment these videos have caused,” said Principal John Ware.

A second tape has also surfaced, featuring students simulating sex during a school talent show, as administrators casually walk by, without stopping the teens.

“I take full responsibility for the inappropriate content in one of the acts,” Principal Ware stated, “We should have taken immediate action and ended the performance.”

Memphis County School spokesperson Staci Franklin has promised an investigation to determine the students' identities.

“We've had an opportunity to look at the video and just to make it very clear, that behavior that we saw on the tape is very disturbing,” Franklin told Channel 3. “However, in just what we've seen today, we cannot clearly identify that those are our students and that it is one of our schools.”

Franklin promised that if any students from her school district participated in the video, they would be disciplined accordingly.

News 3 also attempted to contact the individual responsible for the YouTube post, which has since been flagged as offensive and removed from the site.

That individual responded “I'm sorry, but I refuse to give any information about the video. The video was just for fun.”

