Tue, 02 Jun 2020 Industry News

Miss Ghana 2020: Savannah Region Contestant Calls For Support


Miss Edwina Seidu Yahaya who is representing the Savannah Region in the 2020 Miss Ghana Competition has appealed to the people of the Region to rise up and support her by voting massively for her to bring the crown home.

Speaking exclusively to Bole based Nkilgi FM she said the competition is largely about voting hence entreating all to vote for her by texting her stage name EDWINA.

Edwina who is a student of the University of Ghana said her grandfather is the late Mr. Yahaya Seidu from Daboya in the North Gonja District of the Savannah Region but has lived with her Ewe (Volta Region) mother since childhood.

She said as an Ambassador of the Savannah Region she will do her best in the competition but need the support of her people.

“I would like to address issues of mental health in particular postpartum depression which is a mental condition that affects women to make them kill their babies after delivery or even commit suicide because it is a mental illness that makes them lose interest in their babies,” Edwina stressed.

Attractive Mustapha Nii Okai Inusah
Attractive Mustapha Nii Okai Inusah

Journalist and a Blogger Page: MustaphaAttractive
