
Actress Maame Serwaa grabs Legendary Award

  Tue, 16 Jul 2019
General News Actress Maame Serwaa grabs Legendary Award

Internationally recognized Ghanaian actress Clara Benson popularly known as Maame Serwaa has been honoured with the Legendary Awards of the Ghana 61 Years-On Film Summit.

The event was held on Saturday, July 13, 2019, at the Accra International Conference Centre to acknowledge and honour some particular celebrities who have played a major role in the Ghana film Industry.

However, the Ghanaian movie industry is officially called Ghallywood just like Nigeria and the USA have Nollywood and Hollywood respectively.

The award recognized Maame Serwaa’s extensive experience in the movie industry as well as her efforts in providing a platform for the advancement of women across Africa and in the Diaspora through television.

Serwaa tweet on her social media pages, where she took the opportunity to look back at her more than 10 years of experience in the movie industry and reflected on the peaks and valleys she had overcome to end up successfully at the forefront of the movie scene in Africa.

She was honoured alongside Maame Yaa Jackson among others.

Source: Daily View Ghana

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