
Seven Great Princes Student Wins "Over-all Best Award" In UK

By Daily Guide
General News Gwendolyne Brown
Gwendolyne Brown

A product of Seven Great Princes Academy, Gwendolyne Brown, has written her name in gold in United Kingdom (UK) academia.

The 21-year-old Ghanaian, currently pursuing Economics and Politics at the University of Southampton, emerged as the overall best, UK, in English Literature at the Advance Subsidiary (AS) Level.

And responding to what accounted for the unprecedented feat, she attributed to hard work, sheer determination and the solid tuition at the basic level (Seven Great).

She said via telephone from her UK base that “I feel proud for this feat, and I must say, I owe it to God first, and then my alma mater (Seven Great Princes). It was a tough academic exercise but determination and a disciplined studies lifestyle saw me through.

Gwendolyne continued, “The examiners called for remarking of my papers due to the fact that a Ghanaian, and for that matter a black dominating (100%) in no other subject than English Literature.”

She added, “It has really urged me on and striving to go the extra mile in my tertiary education. I salute all my tutors and parents who, in one way or the other, contributed to my education.”

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Started: 02-07-2024 | Ends: 31-10-2024
