
Old Style And Rythym Affects Veteran Gospel Acts In Their Come Back—Joe Mettle Reveals On Angels Corner On ATV

By Reagan Odei Ofosu Osarfo
Radio & Television Old Style And Rythym Affects Veteran Gospel Acts In Their Come Back—Joe Mettle Reveals On Angels Corner On ATV

Host of ATV’S Angels Corner show Ama Serwaa Boateng gave her viewers the usual package of exciting show on Saturday when she introduced ace gospel act Joe Mettle and Diana Hammond of Vine Praise fame now a solo artist as guests.

On the show a question was thrown to Joe on why veteran gospel acts in the country struggle in their bid to come back after a year or two of silence from an artist’s camp and Joe was quick to say it is as a result of poor or unprofessional management.

According to him some also adapt to their old style or trend of music without blending it with the new trend that the industry might have changed to. He said music is dynamic and things change as the day goes by so as musicians always have to adjust our talents and style to the new way of doing music.

Diana also chipped in saying it will do musicians well if they plan their come backs very well. She said good projects or songs need to be put together because you might not come back to meet the same old competitors that had you always on top.

The show comes your way this and every Saturday 5:30pm – 6:30pm and a repeat on Monday 12:30pm

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