Thu, 28 Feb 2013 Hiplife News

Bradez Clear The Air On Kunta's He

By Nsiah Asante/
Bradez Clear The Air On Kunta's He

The camp of Bradez has come out to clear the air on various publications last week about the health of Kunta Kinte.

"Bradez have come across news circulating in the media with reference to doubts concerning the health status of Kunta Kinta.We wish to affirm categorically that Kunta is healthy.

We admit it has not being easy for the group with Kunta recovering from a mild stroke.However, we are thankful to God for seeing us through the tough times.

Evidently,our various performances, from the Vodafone 020 concert in Kumasi to the Ghana DJ Awards are clear indications that Kunta Kinte is healthy and performing as well."

This is a recent music video by the duo for their WOSE SEN song.

Nsiah Asante/
