Sun, 08 Apr 2012 General News

Jesus' resurrection key to christian faith- Rev Nyomi-Nyamadi

Jesus' resurrection key to christian faith- Rev Nyomi-Nyamadi

Accra, April 8, GNA - Reverend Moses Faith Nyomi-Nyamadi, Resident Pastor of the Seraphim Evangelical Presbyterian Church, on Sunday said the resurrection of Jesus Christ was the key to the Christian faith.

“Because he rose from the dead we have the assurance of forgiveness of our sins and of eternal life,” he explained.

Rev Nyomi-Nyamadi was speaking during the church's commemoration of the Easter celebration in Accra, the day God through the Holy Spirit resurrected Jesus Christ from the dead about 2,000 years ago in Accra.

The Church hall was filled with regular and occasional worshippers, who were clad in black and white attire, sang hymns and danced to the glory of God.

He said God has demonstrated his love for mankind by giving his only beloved son to die for the sins of the world.

He called on Christians to proclaim the good news of Christ resurrection to all mankind.


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