Tue, 03 Jan 2012 Religion

2012 Year Of Purity - Otabil

By Daily Graphic
Dr Mensah OtabilDr Mensah Otabil

The General Overseer of the International Central Gospel Church, Pastor Mensah Otabil on Saturday declared 2012 as a year of purity that calls for clean hearts, thoughts and hands, which are the benchmarks for building prosperous nations.

He said a nation that had good virtues such as honesty, justice, kindness, nobility; fairness and above all living in purity would always succeed.

Speaking at the Church's annual Crossover service to usher members and other thousands of people who thronged the Accra Sports Stadium into the year 2012, he noted that a nation could abound in natural resources but if its heart was not of God, it was bound to fail.

He noted that the year 2012, which was an election year, would be an exciting and peaceful one and that those who lived in purity despite man's imperfection would see God's glory.

Pastor Otabil said if all Ghanaians and Africans would commit themselves to life of honesty, selflessness and one that pleased God, Ghana and Africa would move on and become prosperous and weaned itself from foreign aid.

He called on Christians to journey through 2012 with faith and noted that the God who knows the end from the beginning would see them through.

Pastor Otabil likened every year to a construction project, which required new things and repairing of the old to get the desired effect and said “so would the Lord do with the lives of his children”.

“Get ready for a divine repair” he told the congregation and added that each year was also like a story book with different characters, chapters, plots and themes and that only the author know the end but for Christians Jehovah is their author.

He said Christians should ask God for clean hearts and that it was only God who could create clean hearts. He added that it was required of man to develop clean thought and hands, be it at the work place, home or where ever they found themselves.

He however said that every Christian should have a purpose for the year and God would bring them to a place of authority and opportunity.

“Your gratitude will open the heavens over for you in 2012. Declare the blessings of the Lord and celebrate His goodness,” he said.


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