Wed, 23 Sep 2009 CPP

CPP cautions of impending violence in Chereponi

By theghanaianjournal
CPP cautions of impending violence in Chereponi

The Convention People's Party (CPP) has noted with concern, signals of impending violence in the run up to the September 29, 2009 bye-elections in Chereponi, following accusations and counter accusations from the NDC and NPP camps, of stockpiling of arms and ammunitions for the purpose.

According to a press release signed by William Dowokpor, Communications Director, the history of political and election-related violence at Akwatia and Agbogbloshie, does not give hope and allay fears of the people of Chereponi and Ghana of an incident free election. “The CPP therefore calls on the authorities in charge of security, elections and civic education to take immediate steps to prevent any confrontation and violence at Chereponi”.

“Specifically, we call on the security agencies to deploy personnel in Chereponi to enforce the peace professionally, without fear or favour. We also call on the Electoral Commission (EC) to prepare adequately in terms of personnel and logistics to conduct a free and fair bye-election to meet the expectations of any objective observer”.

The party emphasised the need for the two leading political parties, the NDC and NPP to lend their support to the EC by undertaking a constituency-wide public awareness campaign, which should include criminalisation of election violence and a ban on guns in the constituency in the run up to the bye-election.

“We condemn all moves by the NDC and NPP to engage in violent acts without reservation. We call on all candidates, political parties and officials to respect the political parties and electoral codes of conduct that we have all signed at one time or the other” it stated.

The suggest to the Electoral Commission to get the contesting parties and candidates to immediately sign an agreement to conduct the elections peacefully.

Just in....