Fri, 04 Sep 2009 Opinions

Sheikh Hasina’s responsibility and Mayor AHM Khairuzzaman Liton

By Jahangir Alam Akash
Mayor AHMK Liton getting reception from accused Islamic militantMayor AHMK Liton getting reception from accused Islamic militant

By Jahangir Alam Akash, Minority torture-repressions have been new turn in Bangladesh. But, the so-called democratic government hasn't taken any action against the perpetrators of minority and doesn't take any kind of security for minority in Bangladesh. Really we are very much angry and worried about the attitude of government regarding the minority oppression.

Rajshahi Education Board Chairman Dipakendranath Das left the city Saturday night for Dhaka after filing general diaries with two police stations following threats on his life allegedly from the city Mayor A H M Khairuzzaman Liton. Source: the daily Star, 31 August, 2009.

Sources said, the Rajshahi mayor asked the board chairman repeatedly over the phone to upgrade his daughter's SSC results, Dipakendranath alleged. Khairuzzaman also acknowledged that he had requested Dipakendranath to look into the result of his daughter but denied the allegation of threatening the board chairman. In his identical GDs filed with Boalia and Rajpara police stations in Rajshahi the education board chairman alleged that he had been asked to leave Rajshahi forever over the phone since August 27. The callers also threatened him with death. He, however, refrained from mentioning names of any individual or party in his GDs. Earlier on August 27, the board chairman alleged that the city mayor threatened to transfer him if he did not entertain his request of upgrading his daughter's SSC result.

Anika Faria Zaman, the mayor's daughter, secured GPA 4.56 in this year's SSC examinations. Dissatisfied with the result she along with 2300 other examinees appealed to the board for review of their results on June 22. As review results came out on August 9, some 23 examinees got their results changed but Anika's results remained the same.The board chairman explained that Anika failed to get GPA 5 because she secured A minus in Bangla and obtained A in English, Mathematics and Chemistry. “There was no scope of reviewing her result as her review results had already been issued,” he said. Dipakendranath alleged that the mayor threatened him twice --on August 18 and 25 over the phone.

We knew that, Mr. Liton is the very close with our honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. In last Upazilla and general election Mr. Liton was influenced Sheikh Hasina about the nominations of party candidates. Recently, Mr. Liton was nominated as a central member of Bangladesh Awami League. And he is a son of a national leader A H M Kamaruzzaman. And the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is the president of Awami League.

If the allegation against to the mayor is true then it is very alarming for the minority community. In this type of threats are very big barrier for rule of law, democracy, administration and individuals.

Alleged that, Mr. Liton was helped to the militant (Bangla bhai) in 2004. Source: the daily Janakantha, June, 2004. Not only that, he was taken a reception by accused Islamic militant group in 2008. We knew also that, Mr. Liton also demanded to release of Dr. Galib. Galib was arrested for the Islamic militancy in 2005. Mr. Liton was the main mastermind for brutally tortured to a journalist and human rights defender in 2007, during unnatural emergency. Mr. Liton tried to kill in the name of crossfire to the said journalist with the collaboration of a prominent extra judicial killers army major Rashahidul Hasan Rashid.

As a party chief and as well as Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina can't overlook her moral responsibility about the activity of Mr. Liton. So, please for rule of law and human rights Sheikh Hasina could investigate the allegation against Mr. Liton, it's our hope.

We urges to the enlighten citizens of Bangladesh, please should be united and to do something about the right and security of minority in Bangladesh. Please forget your political fascination. As a human rights defender we should be impartial, universal and dedicated to the human rights.

We want to justice for all kinds of killings tortures and human rights violation. Sources said, in the regime of present government at least 42 incidents of minority torture including the sensational kidnapped story of nine minority members (including child-women) at Sutrapur in capital in Bangladesh. We strongly believe that, without real democracy, rule of law, good governance, how we could hope that the government does punish the real culprits and masterminds of minority torture as well as other human rights violation?

Just in....