Nollywood › City Flames     ›   06 Apr 2012

WATCH: “If I wanted a third term, God would have given it to me” – Obasanjo speaks up in exclusive interview

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has spoken out denying allegations that he was responsible for the proposed third term agenda, and blamed the National Assembly, claiming they initiated it.

Still flogging that poor horse, the ex-president said an exclusive interview with Channels Television: “Third term was one out of over a hundred clauses that they included in that amendment and they initiated it. It was not an executive bill, so you are absolutely wrong. If I want a third term that bill would have come from me.”

He went on to say that his National Assembly rep, Florence Ita Giwa had never claimed he sent her to work towards a third term agenda. “My liaison officer to the National Assembly, Florence Ita-Giwa told the whole world that there was no day I ever called her and said go and work for third term,” he added.

He also spoke about his erstwhile Vice, Atiku Abubakar, saying: “even Atiku who said some people told him there was a third term agenda, hasn't mentioned the names of the people who told him such.

“Even Ibrahim Mantu, who was the chairman of the constitution amendment committee, will never tell you I told him I want a third term.”

He stated that if he had wanted a third term as president he would most certainly have achieved it, as there is nothing he wants that God does not give him.

“I am not a fool, if I want a third term, I know how to go about it and there is nothing I want that God hasn't given me. If I had wanted a third term, I would have gone about it, the way I should have gone about it and I would have gotten it.”

Check out footage from the interview with Channels TV below.

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