Business › Business & Finance     ›   11 Feb 2020

Adhere To PEF’s Service Delivery Charters To Fight Corruption — Planning Minister

Minister for Planning, Professor Gyan Baffour has said in line with the service charter by Private Enterprise Federation (PEF), it will not only fulfill the promise of President Akufo-Addo but also emphasise Government’s commitment to private sector developments and citizens' participation.

According to him, it must be the duty of industry players to ensure they do not only abide by the charters but rather it becomes their daily references to the services they deliver to the public.

Speaking at the launch of Service Delivery Charters, Reports on Administrative Corruption And PEF Public Institutions Services Delivery Awards in Accra, the Minister said “As we launch this service charters developed by the various agencies in the fight against corruption in Ghana, I urge you to strongly ensure the adherence of PEF’s Service Delivery Charters to ensure it become a living document."

He said he is confident in the private sector growth for national development, efficient and quality service delivery for citizens’ satisfaction in wealth creation.

The Minister also revealed that in its attempt at eradicating corrupt practices in the country, it has also been informed that some of the existing licensing regimes in this country have so many lapses.

He however noted that some delays are the causes of the problems.

He emphasized that it is for this reason PEF is at the center ensuring the requisite business development support services are available and capacity is built for sustainable private sector led development that seeks to wipe out corruption.

Quoting President Akufo-Addo on the agenda for jobs, creating prosperity, equal opportunity for all, Prof Gyan Baffour stated, “Building Government machinery that works remains a major role of Government over the medium term. This entails undertaking institutional reforms as well as strengthening the capacity of public sector institutions to deliver public goods and services efficiently.”

He added that specific strategies to be implemented include the realigning of institutions to address conflicting mandates and improve coordination.

Prof Gyan Baffour further mentioned that modernising the public service institutions for efficiency, productivity, improving leadership capabilities on delivery in the public service will improve accountability in the public service by introducing a Citizen’s Charter.

He was confident that restructuring State Owned Enterprises will help make them more productive and efficient.

The Minister charged National Commission on Civic Education (NCCE) to continue educating and sensitizing citizens on their rights and responsibilities as enshrined in the constitution.

In her Presentation, Legal Practitioner with Kasser Law Firm, Clara Kasser-Tee revealed that anytime a citizen makes or triggers the system on the basis of complain on allegations of corruption, there will be an immediate attention.

She said “If each Agency is leaving small complains of corruption to CHRAJ or Special Prosecutor, I am sure this will help in the fight against the canker.”

The Legal Practitioner noted that although some Institutions had the Service Delivery Charters, it was advisable to review to identify gaps and improve on them.

She added that transparency was one of the Service Delivery Charter’s aims since one of the problems associated with corruption identified was delays adding that some Institutions did not know what to do.

Programme’s Director, STAR-Ghana Foundation, Ibrahim-Tanko Amidu noted that corruption tends to affect the poor and vulnerable in the society as they have no option than to pay higher prices for goods and services.

He said “Corruption poses an essential threat to Ghana and if we don’t tackle it, it will begin to generate into something that will be more unpleasant for us”

Mr. Amidu hinted that STAR-Ghana has taken a stand to be more active in the fight against corruption adding that it two years ago provided approximately GHc14 Million to 25 Organizations to undertake various actions across the country.

The Private Enterprises Federation (PEF) believes that it will promote responsible businesses and safeguard the environment for enhanced productivity.


The Private Enterprise Federation (PEF) is a non-profit, non-political, autonomous institution under the Ghana Companies Code, Act 179. PEF seeks to promote the creation of an enabling environment for a competitive and profitable Private Sector Growth in the country. It also improves the business environment for enhanced competitiveness through advocacy and capacity building. It also provides business development information and market linkages.

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