Opinion › Opinion     ›   25 Feb 2019

English No More Official Language In Ghana?

Language is needed for any kind of communication, even people with speech impairments communicate with sign language and brail. Communication becomes difficult in situations where people don't understand each others' language. It's therefore important that there should be an official language at every workplace in every country that would enable proper communication. In Ghana, English language is claimed to be the official language used at various workplaces, but that seems to be untrue. Yes, believe me when I say it's untrue that English is the official language in Ghana. I can buttress this with dauntless reasons. I am a Ghanaian and I happened to have lived my life in both the northern and southern part of the country, and I know what it means. Ghana has over 250 languages spoken. But twi and English happen to be the only recognized languages in our cities. Twi is a language that is spoken by many people in the Southern part of Ghana. Approximately 15million people or around 58% of Ghana's population speak Twi as well as around 30% of those who are in Ivory Coast. Other countries, like Jamaica and Suriname, also have people who know and speak Twi.

July 2017,I was invited to Ghana Scholarship secretariat to attend an interview for a scholarship. On the interview day, I was bombarded or perhaps i should say i was welcomed with twi by the receptionist. As am not conversant with twi, I forcefully had to tell the lady to speak English language rather instead since I cannot speak twi. What baffled me was what she said. "Are you a Ghanaian?" I kept thinking as to whether all Ghanaians must be fluent in twi. As if what I witness was not enough, I witness another whilst trying to make enquiries about the interview process. I could see that, almost everyone in the offices were speaking twi. Now I ask you,"Is English language the official language in Ghana? " Again,I visited my uncle (Interior minister) at the ministry of interior. What I encountered was not far different from my experience at Ghana Scholarship secretariat as far as speaking of twi is concern. It became more shocking when I went to Jubilee house, the office of the presidency. It wasn't still different from my previous experiences. This has actually kept me wondering whether really English language is an official language in Ghana. If it really is,then why is it not spoken in our so-called big offices? Well,I am not against the speaking of twi. I only want the populace to know that twi is not the official language in Ghana and so should be treated as such.

By: Dormuo Aloysius Namaale

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