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Shai Hills Reserve To Be Developed Into An Eco-Tourism Site

The Shai hills reserve of the Dangbe West district in the greater Accra Region is to be developed into an eco-tourism reserve.

The forestry commission is currently seeking a partner to develop the 51 square kilometre reserve through the rehabilitation of its 33 kilometre perimeter fence, the provision of dugouts and the expansion of three luxury tent camp accommodation facility.

The project will see the reintroduction of different species of wildlife and the development of innovative eco-tourism products to provide rare and deserved experience for the increasing number of visitors to the reserve.

At a ceremony to hand over the three luxury tent camp accommodation facility constructed by the leadership for conservation in Africa (LCA), the chief executive of the forestry commission , Mr. Samuel Afari Dartay, Said the shai hills had the potential to be much better than the mole park when developed. The camp which was completed two years ago is meant to open up the place to more tourist and increase revenue generated to promote its conservation activities.

Mr. Dartey bemoaned the over concentration of the country on timber for export over the years which he stated was fast depleting the forests.

Mr. Dartey warned of due consequences especially access to water, if the Atiwa range, which was the source of three rivers, including the densu, was not saved from increasing spate of depletion.

The LCA was initiated in August 2006 in South Africa by the South African Nation parks (SAN Parks), and fields limited and the international union for the conservation of nature (IUCN) it has since been actively involved in 16 African countries of which Ghana is one. The LCA primarily aims to establish a link between local and national business leaders as conservation leaders, encountering such leaders to take hands in bringing about conservation-led socio-economic development in that particular country.

The LCA Ghana chapter was established in collaboration with the Ghana Ministry of Lands and Forestry, with the support of Gold Fields Ghana as well as other business leaders in May 2008. In 2011, the chapter was officially registered with the Ghana authorities and acquired its legal status as a company limited by guarantee. It is now known as Leadership for conservation in Africa Ghana (LCA Ghana).

LCA Ghana aims to implement its flagship project, Shai Hills Resource Reserve, within the ambit of the LCA 20/20 vision: The LCA will positively influence, accelerate or bring about the protection of 20 million hectares of rain forests and selected eco-systems in Sub-Sahara Africa by the year 2020.

While mining companies are wildh perceived to be environmentally destructive, Mr, chris Murai, the chief executive of LCA, said Goldfields had a footprint of being responsible as a believer in community engagement to promote sustainable conservation.

According to him, feasibility done at the reserve showed it had a huge potential not just for tourism but also as a top heritage site.

Shai Hills Resource Reserve
Shai Hills Resource Reserve is located in close proximity (36km) to Accra. Although the park enjoys a category IV – IUCN Protected Area classification, it is in the direct path of urban encroachment and at high risk of being a victim of ‘development –at-all-cost’ facing most developing countries today. The reserve is 51km2 in size and plays host to a number of culturally significant sites and a variety of fauna and flora. It is also plagued by lack of funding, lack of infrastructure, animal poaching and a range of other typical developing country problems.

The LCA Ghana’s mission is to grow the natural capital of Shai Hills by preserving the biodiversity, landscape and the culture for future generations. To achieve this, it is important to create a visitor’s experience that showcases the natural and cultural heritage of Ghana. How can this be achieved? Initially, it was anticipated that by bringing business and conservation leaders on board to allow for the integration of business principles with conservation management principles, this synergy would actively facilitate the involvement of business in sustainable conservation-led socio-economic development and capacity building. Unfortunately that approach had limited results. During 2012 and 2013, in an effort to kick-start commercialization, three luxury tents were erected at Shai Hills.

Development was slow, but eventually in early 2015, LCA Ghana identified an investor, who would be interested in developing and commercializing the whole Shai Hills Reserve as an entity. The investor, however, wanted to compete on a level playing field and asked that they compete on a tender basis, and that they not be identified until after a successful bidder had been announced. The Forestry Commission initiated tender procedures in August 2015 and the announcement of the winning tender should be made soon

The anticipated outcome of the appointment of a successful bidder, will be a public –private partnership between the investor and the Wildlife Division of the Forestry Commission to develop Shai Hills, full eco-tourism potential. The successful bidder will rehabilitate the reserve’s fence, re-introduce different species of wildlife, and expand accommodation facilities, amongst other endeavors.

The tent which cost 300 thousand dollars is expected to serve as a recreational grounds to bring man closer to nature.

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