News › General News     ›   15 Dec 2014

Veep Ammisah Arthur Leads Health Walk From Ayi Mensah To Aburi Gardens At 63-Yrs

The Vice President, Paa Kwesi Amissah Arthur, at 63 years on Saturday proved to the younger generation that hes strong and still kicking, when he joined in the 14th edition of the National Sports for All Association of Ghana (NASFAAG), health walk to climb the hilly Aburi mountain, on Saturday, contrary to what most people expected ,that he would start with them and leave half way.

The walk started from from Ayi Mensah to the Aburi Botanical Gardens,Addressing participants after a few minutes of aerobic exercises befor e covering a distance of 17.5 km walk.

Vice President President Kwesi Amissah Arthur emphasised the need for all to shift from the sedentary lifeclass to regular exercises to keep healthy, so the need for use to balance our diet as a people and exercise regularly.

After the Walk the Vice president to the opportunity to congratulate the organizers of the event for the god job they are doing in bring ghanaians fromn all walks of life to participate in the walk to keep fit., in order to keep them selfs strong

The walk was organised by the Wellness Foundation in collaboration with (NASFAAG), organized the event to mark Africa Sports day and endurance walk and fun games under the theme ''Sports for development in Africa''.Over 1000 members of keep fits clubs in the country participated in the exercise

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