Opinion › Feature Article     ›   18 Aug 2013

They are green sea turtle... a corporate message

The 'green sea turtle people' can pose a big problem to some corporate bosses especially those who have recently joined the corporate. What is the true definition and meaning of green sea turtle people in a corporate?

Green sea turtle is a large sea turtle present through out the sea. The most interesting thing about the green sea turtle is their nesting beahviour. Post mating, the female turtle travel long distance in search of the beach where it was born (hatched out from egg). The same beach where their mother was nesting, they do come to build nest and lay eggs. Several research studies have proven the above observation to be true, however the science of such behaviour of these turtle is yet to be known.

The simple inference is that the subsequent offspring during nesting season follows their mother in verbatim and literatim. In corporate, the people in general like to follow their bosses in every sense. Only if they follow them, they could retain their job. After sometime, the working class of their bosses becomes their working class as well. Further, these people also believe that the working class what they follow is only the correct one. When the boss leaves the organization and new boss resumes the power, the people never relish the working class of the new boss. They always quote that their earlier boss and his working class what they follow.

Converting people to the new working class is indeed a challenge to the new boss. The question is not about whose working class is right - the earlier one or the new? Why people love to follow the working class of the earlier boss so strongly? The reason is simple. They carry the 'gene' of green sea turtle. Like, how the offspring find the same beach site where they were born, for nesting and laying eggs, these people also follow the working class of their boss. They also believe the same to be right.

Like how the green sea turtle travel long distance to reach the same beach, the people also struggle to stay with the working class of the previous boss and resist the new boss. The green sea turtle are more common in single 'man's' corporate than in MNC's.

If the corporate bosses have ever learned about green sea turtle and its unique behaviour, bringing a change is easier. Instead of asking the green sea turtle to change, provide a best nesting site, automatically they would choose the same is the management message these turtles conveys to the corporate. Approach these turtles (people) with empathy and correct them.

Dr S Ranganathan, ClinRise Derma Pvt., Ltd., Chennai

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