Politics › Politics     ›   02 Dec 2009

Official Sources Confirm: Ministers To Fall

Betty Mould Iddrisu

By the end of January 2010, some Ministers in the Mills administration will definitely be unemployed. Very reliable sources close to the Presidency say President Mills is determined to stamp his authority on the machine of government and make sure that all his appointees are performing above bar.

The indications are that the administration would be rocked by a major reshuffle which would send shock waves across the length and breadth of the country. One of the objectives of the reshuffle would be to ensure that all those charged with managing different sectors of national life work in harmony. This would mean that some Ministers would be removed completely or shifted to other areas simply because they don't get along with their colleagues.

Another objective would be the replacement of less competent Ministers with more competent ones. In all of this, the President is said to be seriously considering regional balance, how to meet constitutional requirements and above all the effectiveness of the government machinery.

The greatest surprise is likely to be the appointment of Mr. Edward Doe Adjaho as Minister. The speculation is that Mr. Adjaho who is currently the 1st Deputy Speaker of Parliament will assume a new role as Minister of Interior. Insiders say that although the performance of the current Minister of Interior has been excellent for various strategic reasons, he will be shifted to another Ministry.

Some contend that a Ministerial position for Mr. Adjaho will be a demotion and wonder if he will accept it. New entrants in the Ministerial field are expected to include Mr. Martin Amidu, a former Vice Presidential candidate and Mr. Fritz Baffour, a Member of Parliament.

Martin Amidu is tipped to replace current Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, Betty Mould Iddrisu, who is also expected to be shifted to another Ministry. A massive shake-up is anticipated at the Ministry of Information where Mrs. Zita Okaikwei has been confirmed as a casualty.

The Ministries of Works and Housing, Women and Children's Affairs, Energy, Finance and Economic Planning as well as Communications will undergo some drastic changes. Interestingly, there are indications that the presidency itself cannot escape the restructuring exercise. The Insight newspaper has picked up information that the entire communications set up in the Presidency is being reviewed.

Our sources say the review will cover the position of Presidential Spokesperson and other positions. The main objective will be to erase the mess which has been created by different spokespersons making conflicting statements. One of the many things the President is looking at is who has failed to meet the constitutional and legal obligations imposed on public officers.

President Mills is said to be deeply worried about the fact that some of his appointees have not declared their assets as required by law. He is also reported to be worried about the arrogance and vulgar lifeclasss of some of his appointees.

Some reliable sources say before the President left for the Commonwealth Heads of State Conference, Mr. Twumasi-Appiah, a Member of Parliament was amongst those being considered for deputy Ministerial appointments.

The sources could not confirm or deny that Twumasi-Appiah has finally been given the nod to assume the position of a deputy Minister.

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