Politics › Politics     ›   29 Jun 2024

It's unacceptable political party manifestos aren't out 5 months to election — Prof Gyampo

Professor Ranaford Gyampo, Senior Political Science Lecturer at the University of Ghana

Professor Ransford Gyampo, a Ghanaian political scientist has urged political parties in the country to release their manifestos ahead of the general elections, which are slated for December this year.

Prof Gyampo of the University of Ghana's political science department expressed concerns that parties are yet to publicly outline their plans and policies just five months to the crucial polls.

"It is like we are retrogressing every election. Just five months to elections and parties are not telling us their manifestos, this is unacceptable," Prof. Gyampo said on Accra-based TV3's Key Points program on Saturday, June 29.

He commended independent candidate, Alan Kyerematen, for having already released his "great transformation plan".

However, Prof. Gyampo said the major parties are lagging behind in publicly stating their visions.

“I don't understand why up till now they haven't brought their manifestos. I call on them to treat Ghanaians with some respect by outdooring their manifestos," the lecturer worried.

His comments come as the two largest parties, the governing New Patriotic Party and the opposition National Democratic Congress, are still in the process of drafting their manifestos.

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