Opinion › Editorial     ›   28 Jun 2024

The Political Dissonance (1)

The plot is thickening on the campaign trail but the verdict lies with the electoral “jury” on December 7, 2024. It looks a long journey, however, we are inching towards it. And to quote part of Osibisa’s popular tune, “we are going, Heaven knows where we are going, we know we will…”

Soon December 7 will be here and millions of Ghanaians will besiege the over 38,000 polling stations to cast their ballot. It is a crucial election that will determine progress in continuity or change that portends gloom and doom.

John Mahama and his NDC are on the prowl trying to convince the electorate to return him to power.

Nonetheless, we have a patriotic duty to caution Ghanaians about the landmines in this year’s elections. Apostle Paul many years ago in 2 Timothy 4: 3-4, cautioned the people against those who may lead them astray.

He alerted thus, “For the time will come when people will not put up sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.”

What is happening on the platforms today, especially from the NDC, cannot be said that John Mahama is not turning the ears of the electorate to myths.

These include the 24-hour economy which everyone speaks about according to his or her own understanding.

One NDC communicator said it includes the rearing of lions, the garrulous Okudzeto Ablakwa said more airports would be built under the policy, while General Mosquito said there would be cheap electricity for welders and other artisans to work at night.

The NDC is in a very confused state resulting in the choice of leadership who have lost touch with the people. There is nothing wrong with the decision of a woefully failed candidate to try his hands at the coup de grace again.

The decision as to who contests on the ticket of the NDC rests with the Umbrella Family. That family chose John Mahama, and he too selected Grandma Jane Naana Opoku Agyemang to slug it out with visionary, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the man described as the man of destiny.

Some political watchers think the return of John Mahama to power would be apocalyptic. Many watchers likened that unlikely event to an apocalypse or a deluge that does not come close to the 40 days rain during the Noah’s Ark.

There are many reasons why some political watchers think the return of John Mahama and his Grandma is bad omen for Ghana. We are sorry to say that we are scandalised by the posture of Grandma Jane Naana on the political platform.

An academic of global repute rising to lead one of our big universities in Ghana, her position on any matter, especially education must be undisputed.

Not long ago, the wife the Vice President, Samira Bawumia was reported to have met some female journalists and hell broke loose in NDC.

Cherished readers, do you know why? The answer lies in the proverbial Kejetia Market pickpocket who while shouting “thief, thief” would be busy with picking the pockets of people in that crowd. The NDC tried to discredit the engagement Samira Bawumia organised for female journalists.

The NPP had taken the wind out of the sails of the NDC. This is because a few days later, the media reported an engagement, Grandma Jane Naana Opoku Agyemang had with journalists, which platform she used to lecture journalists instead of telling Ghanaians how she hope to partner John Mahama to cure some of the ills she caused under John Mahama when she was Minister of Education.

As if that posture was not hypocritical enough, she displayed lack of competence in contemporary education matters when she misled the people of Old Tafo in the Eastern Region about the history of education over the last two decades or so.

Perhaps, we can forgive her because for most parts of the two decades, she spent her leisure in the Ivory Tower, where it is difficult to see the realities facing ordinary people on the surface of the earth.

At Old Tafo, Grandma Jane Naana claimed the NDC introduced the free SHS policy and added that variant of free secondary school education they tried to implement as provided by our constitution cannot be compared to what is being done now.

Disclaimer: "The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect ModernGhana official position. ModernGhana will not be responsible or liable for any inaccurate or incorrect statements in the contributions or columns here."

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