Health › Health     ›   28 Jun 2024

Nurse, Midwife Educators’ Society threaten strike over delayed promotion

Members of the Nurse and Midwife Educators’ Society of Ghana are threatening to embark on a strike if the Ministry of Health fails to address issues of delayed promotions within seven days.

This means academic activities at Nursing and Midwifery Training Colleges nationwide could be crippled if the Ministry of Health fails to address the concerns of tutors at the institutions.

The leadership of the group said there is widespread anger among its members over the delayed promotions, and it finds it difficult to control them.

The group has the full backing of the Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association.

National Chairman, Mathew Adamu Bakinam, speaking during the group’s Annual General Meeting at Ejisu in the Ashanti Region, said members will strike if the Ministry fails to meet the one-week ultimatum.

“We don’t sleep, some of us are even thinking of leaving the classroom and going back to Ghana Health Service. Our juniors who are still at the GHS have been promoted to senior positions. And you teaching nurses to come and work as midwives, and now you’re being denied promotion… If next 7 days nothing is done, a decision will be made.

“We want them to call us for a meeting, give us the roadmap for promotions and those who have attended interviews and have not got their letters they should receive their letters…I think that is the only language the government understands. They have to quickly come to our aid for us to arrive at our conclusion.”

The Director of Technical Coordination at the Ministry of Health, Dr Hafiz Adam assured that the Ministry will work to resolve the concerns.

“I want to assure you that promotions are done this year, and also see to correcting your internal allowances,” he assured.

The annual general meeting was themed ‘The Use of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Nursing and Midwifery Education and Practice: The Situation in Ghana’.


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