Opinion › Feature Article     ›   28 Jun 2024

Despite her enormous wealth in natural resources attracting many enemies, can Mother Africa still prevail?

Dear critical-reader, the question that wise and aspirational Africans ought to ponder over is: Despite her enormous wealth in natural resources, and its amazing world-class talent pool, attracting so many envious enemies, can Mother Africa still prevail, in a world in need of her most critical and pivotal natural resources, in the AI-bedrocked 4th, 5th and 6th industrial revolutions?

As it happens, dear critical-reader, Ghana's first post independence leader,

President Nkrumah, understood that developmental-conumdrum perfectly, and made it his mission to educate Africa's ruling elites - to open their eyes and their minds to that existential-danger, and the need for countries across the continent to unite, to better protect Africa's natural resources and utilise them for the sole benefit of Africans.

To pay for that "crime", the West decided to destabilise Ghana and funded President Nkrumah's overthrow in February 1966 - paying his betrayers in the police and military USD13 million to achieve that dark end: promising them more if they killed Nkrumah when overthrowing his Covention People's Party (CPP) regime.

That is why, as a Pan-Africanist with a global worldview, one is glad that the brightest and best world-class individuals, amongst the younger generations of today's Africa, understand perfectly that Africa's wealth makes her enemy number one to other powers, too - and are innovating in various fields of human endeavour, to make the transformation of Africa into a prosperous and happiness-filled continent possible.

Ghana's brilliant Issa Ouedraogo, is an example of the best world-class African agripreneurs, working hard to ensure healthy food security for the continent's people - by producing organic food using environmentally beneficial profit-sharing social impact business models that create wealth that remains locally, and generates fulfilling jobs galore in rural Africa that empowers smallholder farmer stakeholders to bootstrap their own way to financial independence, using income-stream-diversification-initiatives, based on agroforestry and permaculture principles.

Ditto Ghana's foremost green economy entrepreneur (and its wealthiest private sector player, by far, lol), Eugene Kofi Boakye-Yiadom - who is helping to preserve the remainder of our priceless natural heritage, using challenge course adventure ecoparks, to do so: in numerous conservation-through-ecotourism public private partnership (PPPs) contracts, with stewards of biodiversity rich rainforests both private and public, such as the Forestry Commission of Ghana and large private landowners, nationwide.

Finally, dear critical-reader, it is in light of all the above, that one is so confident that despite her enormous wealth in natural resources, and being blessed with an amazing talent pool, attracting many enemies for her, in the final analysis, at day's end, Mother Africa will prevail, in the fullness of time. No question!

By Kofi Thompson
Author has 1204 publications here on modernghana.com

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