Opinion › Feature Article     ›   28 Jun 2024

Like Bawumia, Matthew Opoku Prempeh Is A Worthless Ghana Pesewa

Mahamudu Bawumia, the mouth-loud NPP’s presidential candidate and an incompetent quack economist, has struggled to name his running mate for weeks or months. This is because the most corrupt and the worst government in Ghana's political history, does not have a credible and qualified candidate. However, it was revealed in the media a day ago that the presidential candidate's running partner is the controversial Energy Minister, Matthew Opoku Prempeh.

Many people who felt the naming of Bawumia’s running mate had taken too long were relieved when Mr. Opoku Prempeh’s name was announced. However, many NPP communities across Ghana, especially the party's stronghold in the Ashanti Region, were incensed and angry about the Bawumia’s choice. It is easy to see why a lot of people are furious because if education or a university degree makes graduates or students intelligent, then Matthew Opoku Prempeh had missed that intelligence.

How could someone so arrogant and contemptuous like Akufo Addo, who speaks anyhow, without thinking about Ghanaians, be chosen as Bawumia's running partner? I have published a few articles about Opoku Prempeh’s outrageous remarks, which demonstrate that he doesn’t know how to communicate politely with people. The Minister of Energy must know that the people he keeps disrespecting are not animals, but their votes grant him the authority to be where he is.

Sometimes I do think that since the NPP government came to power by deception, lying to the people, and winning their last two elections by manipulating the results, they don't need to respect the people. Every politician in Ghana must respect the people, but that is not the case in the nation. A video circulating online reveals Matthew Opoku Prempeh saying he will vote against the parliament's ratification of the budget to address the Keta Sea Defense project to protect the populace from erosion.

The question is did John Mahama receive support from the NPP in the Ashanti Region he started initiating initiatives in the area? NPP members and supporters had a significant impact in several Ghanaian areas, yet, Mahama didn't complain; instead, he made an effort to embark on projects throughout the country and even left many uncompleted. In the Volta Region, Akufo Addo, who should have been intelligent enough, also stated the same thing: if he had to consider votes, he wouldn't be there because the people don't support him.

When such individuals run a country, they waste resources because they are more interested in their conceit, greed, and corrupt practices than anything else. Thus, we need to comprehend why Bwaumia, Ken Ofori-Atta, and Akufo Addo, after being in power for nearly eight years, have been unable to construct even a single industry, school, or hospital. That’s why Akufo Addo, who acts before thinking, has destroyed state properties to make room for a cathedral without a foundation at a 58-million-dollar.

In addition to the public properties that were destroyed, Ghanaians now owe a massive GH658.6 billion to the lazy, corrupt, and dishonest president, whose "Performance Tracker" failed to track the government's achievements because it didn't have any. When the people are forced to bear the costs of a government's incapacity and pervasive corruption, which is the situation in Ghana right now, that is not rational. Ghana has been devastated; it is not the Dubai of Africa as they had promised.

If Matthew Opoku Prempeh believes he is educated, he should learn how to interact with the public as a politician. "Giving only NPP’s party T-shirts to the people is enough to vote for the party," was the most degrading and disrespectful comment ever made against the entire Ashanti Kingdom, implying that the people are ignorant and do not require development. He also disrespected Kwame Nkrumah by claiming that the NPP government had done better than Ghana's father of independence.

Even though Ghanaians are experiencing severe intermittent blackouts that result in the burning out of electrical appliances like refrigerators, deep freezers, and TVs, Matthew Opoku Prempeh said that "Ghanaians should clap for the NPP government since for a week, there hasn't been any blackout," How in the world does someone with intelligence speak like this? The NPP government has ruined Ghana’s economy, investments, and businesses, therefore, why should any intelligent Ghanaian support them?

In my opinion, Matthew Opoku Prempeh and Bawumia are worthless like a pesewa in Ghana, it can’t buy anything, and therefore, the best solution for their incompetence is to remove this criminal government from power because they have nothing special to offer Ghanaians.

By Joel Savage
Belgian-Ghanaian journalist, Joel Savage, writes the "A Mixture Of Periodicals" column. The Flemish Journalists Association member frequently contributed to the features sections of the Weekly Spectator, Ghanaian Times, Daily Graphic and The Mirror. He lives in Belgium. 

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