Science › Climate     ›   28 Jun 2024

June 28: There will be chances of rain over southern Ghana this morning — GMet

The Ghana Meteorological Agency (GMet) has forecast chances of rain over parts of southern Ghana this morning.

In its 24-hour forecast issued early on Friday, June 28, GMet predicts "variably cloudy weather condition will dominate most parts of the country this morning with chances of rain over Southern Ghana."

Areas that could experience rainfall include Accra, Cape Coast, Takoradi and Axim.

GMet Duty Forecaster Michael D. Karikari warns there is a 30% probability of rain in these areas between 6am and noon UTC.

The forecast says "mist or fog patches are expected to form over coastal, forest and hilly areas in the early hours of the day which will reduce visibilities."

The forecaster further notes that from late morning into the evening, areas within the middle, transition and northern sectors may see thunderstorms or rain of "varying intensities."

Towns like Cape Coast (40%), Takoradi (40%), Kumasi (40%) face higher chances of thunderstorms in the afternoon.

According to the forecast, "the state of the sea is ROUGH (2)" and marine activities may be affected by increased wave heights off the coast today.

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