News › Social News     ›   28 Jun 2024

Nana Kwaku Appiah enstooled as Nkosoɔhene of Kwahu Aduamoa

Nana Kwaku Appiah, the leader of the Spiritual Awareness Movement, has been enstooled as the Nkosoɔhene of Kwahu Aduamoa in recognition of his exemplary leadership qualities and organizational skills.

The vibrant and traditional ceremony took place at the Aduamoa Chiefs Palace on Saturday, June 23, 2024, celebrating the rich heritage of Kwahu Aduamoa.

Known widely as Maharaja ACHARYA, Nana Kwaku Appiah underwent the customary rites and took the oath of office before Nana Ahia-Tutu Brempong, the Aduamoa Hene and Kwahuman Benkum Hene, along with other sub-chiefs and the people of Kwahu Aduamoa. He swore to uphold the customs and traditions of the community and to act justly at all times.

Following the ceremony, he was carried shoulder-high and paraded through the principal streets of Aduamoa, greeted by cheers from the community, marking his official presence as their new Development Chief.

In his address to journalists after the ceremony, Nana Kwaku Appiah expressed his deep gratitude to the chiefs and elders for the honor. He pledged to elevate the developmental needs of the people, stating, "It is an honor to contribute my quota towards the development of my people."

Nana Ahia-Tutu Brempong, the Aduamoa Hene and Kwahuman Benkum Hene, explained that the decision to enstool Nana Kwaku Appiah was based on the vetting committee's observations of his exceptional developmental qualities over time.

The Nkosoɔhene title is bestowed upon individuals who, while not from the royal family, demonstrate qualities beneficial to the community. It is not necessarily given to the wealthy but to those who possess organizational abilities, selflessness, a vision for the community, concern for the community's welfare, and knowledge of community development.

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