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I’m surprised that a whole A-G who advises gov’t on legal matters does not know what an ISO is – Jakpa tells Dame

Richard Jakpa, the third accused person in the ongoing ambulance purchase trial, has expressed shock over what he calls the “ignorance of the Attorney-General on what ISO certification is.”

According to Mr. Jakpa, this is in spite of the fact that he has tried to educate the A-G, Godfred Yeboah Dame, that an ISO certification is not an incorporation registration showing the date Big Sea was incorporated.

Richard Jakpa says the A-G has shown that he is not on top of issues which baffles him about the government’s lawyer.

Speaking to journalists after proceedings in court Thursday, June 27, 2024, Richard Jakpa noted that “the first aspect that took me aback was a clear ignorance of the Attorney-General on what is ISO certification”

“In fact, the Attorney-General was arguing that the ISO certification is an incorporation registration, which means that Big Sea was incorporated in 2015. That’s why he was claiming using that, and I tried to educate him that, that is not an incorporation certificate, because to incorporate a company, it must be done by a sovereign nation that has laws to incorporate companies,” he stated.

He said he told the A-G that an “ISO certification is a certification by an international standard organization that certifies manufacturing companies and private companies when they are manufacturing products about their quality standards and it’s renewed yearly. So, seeing ISO 2015 doesn’t mean that Big Sea was registered in 2015. And even the document you brought yourself, under it is latest issue, recertification. It tells you that it’s being renewed every year.”

He added that he does not understand why Godfred Dame was trying to twist the issues and not accept the education he gave him.

“And the man was still swimming in his ignorance. And wouldn’t admit that a private company or a private organization cannot create a company to be existing in a sovereign nation without going through the laws of that country. They don’t need to teach you that. But the man was so ignorant about what is an ISO.

“A whole Attorney-General of a nation. Just as I was educating him on the audio recording, I’ve been educating this young man. But the man’s ignorance is just beyond unbelievable. He wouldn’t accept this because of his arrogance,” he asserted.


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