Opinion › Article     ›   27 Jun 2024

“Feed my sheep”: A look into modern ministry

Inspector Akwasi Ofori

In the gospel of John 21: 15-17, Jesus puts some questions to peter: “The third time, Jesus said to him, “Simon son of Jonah, do you love me?” He answered, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you…,” According to Mark Allan Powell, Jesus gives the disciples instructions as to what those who love him should do. “…Then feed my sheep” (John 21:16). In the words of R.V.G Tasker, the Greek word, “agapao”, translated as “love” used by Jesus denote a higher form of love. Thus, as shepherds, our ultimate love for God is expressed in our response to his divine instructions to “feed his sheep”.

What shepherding entails
“Pastoral ministry derives from the biblical image of shepherd and refers to the solicitous concern expressed within the religious community for persons in trouble or distress.” Thus, as an act of shepherding, pastoral ministry involves giving out oneself completely to the needs of others. It involves taking care of the needs of the sheep [even] at the peril of the life of the pastoral minister. David acknowledges this; “I went out after it, struck it, and rescued the sheep from its mouth” (1Sam 17: 35a). In John 10:11, Jesus declared, “I am the good shepherd and the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep (John 10: 11). According to Howard Clinebell, the pastoral ministry is a valuable instrument by which the church stays relevant to human need. Relevance to the deep needs of people matters—relevance to the places in their lives where they hurt and hope, curse and pray, hunger for meaning and thirst for significant relationships. The goal is to facilitate and maximize development of a person's potentiality. As Emmanuel Lartey rightly observes, “the pastoral ministry has two dimensions: There is, on the one hand, what might be called the divine or God dimension, and there is, on the hand, the human dimension or component.”

the sheep being fed or they have become a feed?

Temple distinguishes between the task of feeding the lamb, tending the sheep and the most difficult task of feeding the sheep, i.e., supplying the needs of the more mature members of the flock who often have no knowledge or what their own needs are. To this end, I put forward these questions for deeper reflection: Has the modern church responded [obediently] to the divine call to feed and take care of the Lord's sheep?

As shepherds, can we say with confidence that our hearts have not given way to managerial mindset, prioritizing programs and structures over people and their spiritual nourishment? Can we say that we have not drifted from our core pastoral initiative, leaving a generation of believers feeling disconnected, disappointed and misled? Instead of shepherding the flock with care and compassion, can shepherds say that they are not exploiting their sheep for personal gain? Are the sheep not being fleeced instead of being fed? exploited for their wool, and not nurtured for their well-being? Has the church not become a place where sheep are shorn of their resources, rather than a sanctuary where they should find refuge and care? Are shepherds not driving the sheep to the slaughter-house of exploitation and oppressions, rather than leading them to still waters and green pastures?

Well, it thus appears that modern ministry has become infected with culture of self-interest, where the pursuit of personal fame, wealth, and power has supplanted the sacrificial love and humility exemplified by Jesus. The priority has shifted significantly from laying down one's life for the sheep to building one's own interest.

Blessed assurance
As I wrap up, the Hymn by Fanny J. Crosby resonate more powerfully,

“Blessed assurances, Jesus is mine!
Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God
Born of his Spirit, washed in His blood

May the Love of God continually be shed abroad in our hearts, and may modern ministry be reminded of our divine mandate to lovingly tend the Lord's sheep, surrounding to the highest calling of selfless service and compassionate care, just as the Good Shepherd has modelled for us. Amen!

Insp. Akwasi Ofori
Ghana Police Service
Formed Police Unit Headquarters

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