News › General News     ›   27 Jun 2024

GIZ pledges continued support for digital initiatives in Africa

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), has reaffirmed its commitment to supporting digital initiatives across Africa.

The organisation, which has been at the forefront of leveraging technology to drive meaningful and sustainable development outcomes in the region, announced its renewed focus at a data protection and digital strategies workshop in Accra on Wednesday.

Speaking at the event, the Deputy Head of GIZ's Global Programme for Digital Transformation, Bjorn-Soren Gigler, emphasised the importance of strategic partnerships in achieving sustainable digital development across the continent.

"Digital transformation is essential for unlocking Africa's vast potential, but it requires a collaborative approach that brings together government, private sector, and civil society actors, GIZ is committed to strengthening these critical partnerships to ensure that the benefits of technological advancements are equitably distributed and that no one is left behind," he said

Head of Operations at the Data Protection Commission, Mrs. Abigail Yeboah, on her part outlined Ghana's efforts to reform economic sectors through technologies and laws, including the Cyber Security Authority Act and the Data Protection Act.

The workshop, which was hosted by the Ministry of Communications and Digitalisation and the Data Protection Commission was to foster learning, share experiences, and explore opportunities in data protection and digital transformation.

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