News › Social News     ›   27 Jun 2024

A/R: Jurors withdraw services over 11-months of unpaid allowance

The Jurors in the Ashanti region have withdrawn their services, citing unpaid allowances for the past 11 months.

This action has significantly impacted the region's judicial process, with jurors unable to cover their transportation costs to attend court sessions.

Jurors play a critical role in the criminal justice system, tasked with determining the guilt or innocence of individuals charged with crimes.

Despite their essential function, these jurors have not received their allowances since August 2023.

The leader of the jurors, Mr. Albert Ackah, speaking to Class FM’s Ashanti Regional Correspondent, Elisha Adarkwah, explained they have not been paid since August 2023, despite channeling their grievances to the necessary authorities.

Mr. Ackah emphasised that the jurors would not resume their duties until the government addresses the issue and pays the overdue allowances.


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