Opinion › Feature Article     ›   28 Jun 2024

Mahama's plan to build a pandemic-resilient Ghana

Building a pandemic-resistant nation offers numerous benefits, including:

Improved public health infrastructure, enhanced disease surveillance and detection capabilities and better protection for vulnerable populations (e.g., elderly, young people.

There are others: reduced risk of pandemic-related social and political instability, improved national preparedness for future pandemics and health crises and reduction in morbidity.

By investing in pandemic preparedness and resilience, a nation can minimize the impact of future pandemics and ensure the well-being of its citizens, economy, and global standing. And it is for this reason that H.E. John Mahama, a presidential hopeful for the December, 2024 elections in Ghana has outlined a comprehensive plan to build a pandemic-resilient Ghana. Some key components of his plan include:

Strengthening healthcare infrastructure: Mahama has proposed investing in healthcare infrastructure, including building new hospitals and upgrading existing facilities to ensure that Ghana's healthcare system is better equipped to handle future pandemics.

Improving healthcare access: Mahama has emphasised the importance of improving access to healthcare services for all Ghanaians, especially in rural and underserved areas. This includes expanding health insurance coverage and increasing the number of healthcare workers in the country.

Enhancing disease surveillance and response: Mahama has called for strengthening Ghana's disease surveillance and response systems to better detect and respond to outbreaks of infectious diseases. This includes investing in training for healthcare workers and improving coordination between different levels of government.

Promoting research and innovation: Mahama has highlighted the need to invest in research and innovation in the healthcare sector to develop new treatments, vaccines, and diagnostic tools for pandemics. This includes supporting local researchers and collaborating with international partners.

Building partnerships: Mahama has stressed the importance of building partnerships with other countries and international organisations to strengthen Ghana's pandemic preparedness and response capabilities. This includes sharing best practices, resources, and expertise to address global health challenges.

Anthony Obeng Afrane

By Anthony Obeng Afrane
Author has 522 publications here on modernghana.com

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