Health › Health     ›   28 Jun 2024

Residents in Hemang Lower Denkyira get free health screening and health insurance registration

Over 900 residents from Antwikwa and Jukwa Mfuom in the Hemang Lower Denkyira Constituency of the Central region received free medical screenings over the weekend.

In addition to the health screenings, they also benefited from free health insurance registration, fully sponsored by Mr. Lawrence Kwabena Agyinsam, CEO of Exim Bank Ghana and the parliamentary candidate for the Hemang Lower Denkyira Constituency.

The initiative he noted not only to provide essential healthcare services but also to demonstrate a proactive approach to community welfare and public health.

Mr. Agyinsam explained that the mid-year health outreach was also designed to foster a sustainable impact on the well-being and quality of life for the constituents in these areas, reflecting a proactive stance towards healthcare accessibility and equity.

In his brief address after the exercise, Mr. Agyinsam encouraged the constituents to take their health seriously and seek medical attention whenever they notice changes in their health.

He warned against the hazards of self-medication and promised to continue carrying out medical outreach programs to enhance the health of the people regularly.

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