Opinion › Feature Article     ›   27 Jun 2024

John Mahama Is The Ivory Dome And Top Banana Of Corruption

John Mahama had built corruption - legacies in Ghana and on the shores of the World unremittingly and undeviatingly. As an aristocrat of this Country, you had thought, he should had been on the up and up. But asymmetrically, he has kowtowed to the tenet of cynicism and turpitudinous. He has become a pendulum of debasement and on top of it, is a perversion of language and truth. But if you had been dogging John Mahama ab initio since he was parachuted to the mainstream partisan politics, you may not find his acts as ghoulish and hair - raising. He has been a thespian of corruption aeons ago. In the recent dismally trending tidings, it had been trumpeted by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project ( OCCRP ) that, some of Mahama's men ( appointees ) under his presidential regime have captured luxurious assets in exorbitant place like Dubai, whereas Inusah Fuseini is the gross perp. This bulletin has paralyzed an untold number of Ghanaians and has subsequently put them into a stupor, since they regarded it as untoward of his then appointees. However, in a knee - jerk reaction by Joyce Bawa Mogtari, Mahama's Special Aide on her known social media platforms impugned those declarations and furthermore labelled John Mahama as ' incorruptible '.

We expected of Joyce Bawa Mogtari to as usual, embarks on her assigned agitprop where she's given honorarium for. It is sometimes toe - curling for her, to invariably engages into matters which are self - evidential as a perceived legal practitioner. Why must you scratch your legal probity with propaganda masturbation ?

In fact, Joyce Bawa Mogtari has abased herself with those perpetual laggard ballyhoos. As a legal practitioner, veracity ought to be your patroness saint - the falsities which you have aligned with your legal profession are recipe for holocaust : trust me.

Since, you opted to be in the unknown about John Mahama corruption scandals, i am prevailing myself voluntarily to you, in order to conscientize you with a couple of them. To state, inter alia, the Airbus Scandal, the Bus Branding Scandal, the ' Ford Expedition ' gift Scandal, the GYEEDA Scandal, the SADA Scandal, the NSS Scandal, the Judicial Corruption Scandal, the Brazil 2014 fiasco, the Brochure Gafe and in fact a host of them.

Since I am ever - ready to enlighten you on each of his scandalous dealings thoroughly, I therefore want to enlighten you with the Airbus Scandal first : the genesis of it.

This incidence occured in November 2010 : Philip Middlemiss, former star of the successful British series Coronation Street, went out with his girlfriend, actress Leanne Davis, to a charity gala at a Cricket club in the north - west of England.

When a domesticated newspaper asked him what his plans were, Middlemiss’s answer was unexpected to say the least. “I’m working out in Ghana, in West Africa. My best friend’s brother’s the vice president. So I went out there thinking of directing a feature film and now I’m working with the government.” The journalist, apparently taken aback, asked him if this was a joke. “No, no, that’s the truth!” he replied, laughing.

Indeed, as part of the agreement signed with the aircraft manufacturer, which closes the proceedings in return for a fine of 3.6 billion euros, Western anti-corruption agencies published the compromising elements they had uncovered, but did not include any names. Going through these famous files, i learnt that between 2009 and 2015 an Airbus subsidiary specializing in the defence sector hired the brother of a high-ranking Ghanaian elected official then, as well as a crony of the said brother and a third person to serve as commercial partners in the sale of three military transport aircrafts, model C295, to Ghana.

Airbus knew they had no previous experience in international trade or the arms industry, but knew of the family ties between one of the three middlemen and at that time , was a member of the government, and hoped to take advantage of them.

According to the British and American records, Airbus dangled commissions of nearly 5 million euros in front of the middlemen. In September 2011, an external audit commissioned by Airbus revealed that one of the middlemen was clearly close to a member of the Ghanaian government.

The aircraft manufacturer was therefore at risk of encroaching the OECD convention on brushing off bribery of foreign public officials – a convention to which the sales agreement signed a month earlier was a signatory. As a result, Airbus had to forgo paying the agreed commissions directly into the account of a company owned by the intermediaries.

However, the company did not abrogate the idea of payments, far from it: it merely made it more obscure, channelling the money – ultimately nearly 4 million euros – through one of its commercial partners in Spain, which was less likely to induce suspicion .

As a result, Ghana has indeed bought three Airbus C295 military transport aircrafts – two in 2011 and another in 2015. But the British judge in charge of the case found that Airbus had sought, through these kickbacks, to attain an “undue favour” from a member of the Ghanaian government.

Although the court records did not reveal any names, the elements they contain did identify some of the players.

For example, it stated that the intermediaries established a company in Ghana on 7th December 2009 and that a company with the same name was established in the United Kingdom in February of the ensuing year. The Ghanaian company they looked into was owned by the brother of a senior member of the government, serving from 2009 to 2016, and by a British television actor, who had publicly claimed to be his “best friend”.

According to them, this is precisely the case of Deedum Limited, whose shareholders are Samuel Adam Mahama and Philip Middlemiss, who told the Manchester Evening News in 2010 that he was the “best friend” of the Ghanaian vice-president’s brother. Finally, the records indicate that the intermediary with a family relationship to a government official was born in Ghana and emigrated as a child to the United Kingdom, distancing himself from his family until the late 1990s.

This is precisely the story of Samuel Adam Mahama, as described by John Dramani Mahama himself in his autobiography, 'My First Coup d’Etat', published by Bloomsbury in 2012.

John Mahama writes there that his brother was adopted by a couple who took him to England when he was only 9 years old. For years, the former president continues in his book, young Samuel lost contact with his family of origin… until 1997, when he and his biological mother, went to London and found him.The current investigation seems to be focusing on the latter at the moment. "Deedum was the corporate vehicle through which Samuel Adam Mahama and his associates purported to have provided services to Airbus to facilitate the suspected commission of corruption,” the special prosecutor’s office said on 31 March, implicating the Mahama clan directly.

When this case surfaced, your boss, John Mahama is yet to hammer on it still. He has been given a fire in the belly to oppugn this pronouncement on him incessantly, but he continue to keep mum on it anytime.

If your gaffer, John Mahama is a virtuous man as you have phantasmagorically projected him, i herein goad him to come and vilipend and additionally, cold - shoulder the Airbus Scandal saga, which he has been embroiled in for ages.

The next academic episode of his corruption scandals shall come off again. Unleashing the bombshells around John Mahama.

By : Prof. Dinkum.
( The Buzzing Rapine of Erudition ).
E - Mail : dinkumchoice@gmail.com.

By Prof. Dinkum
Author has 4 publications here on modernghana.com

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